electronics & communication







Electronic & Communication

VTU, Belagavi

AICTE & Govt. of Karnataka


4 years (8 semesters)



Electronic & Communication


VTU, Belagavi




4 years (8 semesters)





Academic Results

Media Coverage

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, established in 2001, currently admits 180 students with a staff-to-student ratio of 1:16. The faculty, with an average of 15 years of experience, includes 6 Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 22 Assistant Professors, and 16 Technical Staff, all dedicated to fostering academic and research excellence. The department boasts well-equipped laboratories, a departmental library, and robust internet facilities. Students benefit from industrial training, live projects, and enhanced employability opportunities.

The department’s excellent academic and research environment supports high student achievement, with many graduating with distinction and securing placements with top companies like Mentor Graphics, TCS, and Cognizant. Many students also pursue advanced degrees at prestigious international universities, further enhancing their career prospects.

The department’s association, “ELECTRONIC,” organizes workshops, seminars, and skill development programs, ensuring continuous learning and professional growth. Innovative teaching methods and personality development classes further enrich the educational experience. Students actively participate in technical, cultural, and sports events, consistently bringing accolades and recognition to the department, which highlights its commitment to fostering a well-rounded education.

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, established in 2001, currently admits 180 students with a staff-to-student ratio of 1:16. The faculty, with an average of 15 years of experience, includes 6 Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 22 Assistant Professors, and 16 Technical Staff, all dedicated to fostering academic and research excellence. The department boasts well-equipped laboratories, a departmental library, and robust internet facilities. Students benefit from industrial training, live projects, and enhanced employability opportunities.

The department’s excellent academic and research environment supports high student achievement, with many graduating with distinction and securing placements with top companies like Mentor Graphics, TCS, and Cognizant. Many students also pursue advanced degrees at prestigious international universities, further enhancing their career prospects.

The department’s association, “ELECTRONIC,” organizes workshops, seminars, and skill development programs, ensuring continuous learning and professional growth. Innovative teaching methods and personality development classes further enrich the educational experience. Students actively participate in technical, cultural, and sports events, consistently bringing accolades and recognition to the department, which highlights its commitment to fostering a well-rounded education.

Welcome to the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , DBIT.

The Department has always been on a high growth path and has experienced and dedicated faculty with strong commitment to engineering education who work with zeal and enthusiasm to provide a vibrant and optimum learning environment. The growth of expertise in the department is commendable.

Ever since the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering started its journey over two decades back, the department has been simultaneously and successfully performing the multiple roles of creating new knowledge, acquiring new capabilities and producing an intelligent human resource pool contributing in various domains of the society.

The department has been accredited by NBA and NAAC for maintaining quality education. In keeping with the department’s vision, the holistic development of the students is focused upon that instills a habit of continued learning and a sense of responsibility in them to contribute towards the betterment of the society.

The periodically updated curriculum imparts technical knowledge to the students and the application based environment in the state of the art laboratories complements the same. The students are motivated to participate in paper presentations, workshops and seminars that are essential in maintaining proficiency. Cultural activities are also promoted through Electronica Forum at the departmental level. A strong positive reputation of the department pulls companies like Infosys, Tech-Mahindra, TCS, Wipro, Accenture and many more for campus recruitment. A large percentage of students are encouraged to pursue higher studies. The department has very good rapport with alumni for future benefits to our students.


080-28437028 / 29 / 30 | Ext:126

Advisory Board

Dr. A.N Maheswarappa

Professor & HOD
DBIT, Bangalore
Role: Chairman

Dr. Jai Parkash Prasad

Associate Professor
DBIT, Bangalore
Role: Convener

Dr. Chandrashekar N.S

Associate Professor
DBIT, Bangalore
Role: Convener

Mr. DharmendraRati

Cluster Delivery Head
WIPRO Technologies Bangalore
Role: Industry Expert

Dr. Ravi B. C

Senior Architect
Mphasis Bangalore
Role: Industry Expert

Dr.Prasanna Kumar A M

ACS College of Engineering
Role: Academic Expert

Ms. Harini Subramanian

Associate Developer
Alumni, DBIT
Role: Member

Ms. Tejaswini Jayashanker

Machine Learning Intern Trainee
Alumni, DBIT
Role: Member

Ms. Nishashree S

Role: Member

Mr. Nuthan Y.J

Role: Member

Vision & Mission




Short Term Goals

Long Term Goals

Outcome Based Education

  • PEO1: Graduates shall be able to employ the acquired engineering knowledge for technological development and management.
  • PEO2: Graduates shall be able to exhibit life-long learning acquired through specialized technical training, higher education, and professional activities.
  • PEO3: Graduates shall be able to solve engineering issues from a broader social perspective for contributing to the needs of society.
  • PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
  • PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO11: Project Management and Finance: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO12: Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
  • PSO1: Ability to analyze and design electronic components and subsystems in the areas of communication and signal processing.
  • PSO2: Ability to design embedded systems and VLSI circuits to realize products for societal needs using relevant tools and technologies.
  • PSO3: To inculcate managerial skills with ethical and human values for a sustainable society.

Course Curriculum

Course Outcomes

Programming Labs

These labs cover programming and hardware aspects. The HDL & FPGA Lab focuses on HDL programming, testing logic circuits on Xilinx FPGA boards, and interfacing with hardware modules. The Embedded Systems Lab involves assembly programming with ARM Cortex M3 and Keil-4 software, including device interfacing. The VLSI Design Lab emphasizes digital circuit design and verification using Verilog HDL and Cadence software, providing hands-on experience with industry tools.

Data Structure and algotithms

The Analog Electronics Lab emphasizes designing, constructing, and debugging analog circuits such as rectifiers and amplifiers, while analyzing components like JFETs and MOSFETs. The Power Electronics Lab introduces power semiconductor devices and control hardware for diverse applications, including motor drives. Students measure and analyze power electronic circuits using PSPICE software and correlate theoretical concepts with practical analysis to deepen their understanding of power electronics.

Student Chapters

Tie & Up

Organization with which MOU is Signed Year of Signing MOU Duration List of Actual Activities Under Each MOU Year Wise Number of Students/Teachers Participated Under MOUs
Edgate Technologies 01-09-21 Valid until it is expressly terminated Internship 48
Pozzibility Technologies 05-11-20 Valid until it is expressly terminated Webinar on Design For Testing In VLSI 149
Tech Fortune Technologies 03-07-19 Valid until it is expressly terminated Webinar on Embedded Development 205
Ideal Educraft Technologies 05-07-19 Valid until it is expressly terminated Webinar on Machine Learning and its Applications 71


Professor & HOD
Date Of Join: 15.11.2021
Experience: 35 years
Date Of Join: 21-08-2023
Experience : 30 Years
Associate Professor
Date Of Join: 16/07/2010
Experience : 22Years
Associate Professor
Date Of Join: 14/07/2014
Experience : 20 Years
Associate Professor
Date Of Join: 15/07/2013
Experience : 16 Years
Associate Professor
Date Of Join : 01-03-2023
Experience : 9 Years
Associate Professor
Date Of Join: 05-06-2024
Experience : 16 Years
Associate Professor
Date Of Join: 13/08/2007
Experience : 23 Years
Associate Professor
Date Of Join: 24/02/2011
Experience : 20 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 12-07-2010
Experience : 14 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 11-11-2008
Experience : 16 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 20/07/2011
Experience : 13 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 29/06/2013
Experience : 15 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 08-01-2011
Experience : 13 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 03-03-2022
Experience : 9 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 19/04/2022
Experience : 11 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 10-10-2022
Experience : 12 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 12-10-2022
Experience : 9 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 17-10-2022
Experience : 5 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 02-01-2023
Experience : 4 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 25-09-2023
Experience :1Y, 9M
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 19-04-2024
Experience : 8 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 15-07-2024
Experience : 6.5 Years
Assistant Professor
Date Of Join: 02-05-2024
Experience : 10 Years

Non Teaching

Assistant Instructor
Vol 1 Issue 1 - 19-07-2018
Vol 2 Issue 1 - 19-07-2019
Vol 3 Issue 1 - 02-01-2020
Vol 3 Issue 2 - 20-08-2020
Vol 4 Issue 1 - 14-01-2021
Vol 4 Issue 2 - 05-08-2021
Vol 5 Issue 1 - 10-01-2022
Vol 5 Issue 2 - 11-07-2022


Sl. No Publications/FDP Total Numbers
1 Text Books 01
2 Scopus Indexed Journals 16
3 Peer-Reviewed Journals 40
4 National and International Journals 62
5 National and International Conferences 74
6 FDP 58
Massive Open Online Course
Name Course Certification University/Institution
Prof. Roopa B. S. Deep Learning NPTEL Online Indian Institute Of Technology Madras
Dr. Rajashekar Patil Deep Learning NPTEL Online Indian Institute Of Technology Madras
Prof. Sowmya K. S Deep Learning NPTEL Online Indian Institute Of Technology Madras
Prof. Babitha S. Fundamentals of Electric Devices NPTEL Online Indian Institute Of Technology Madras
Prof. Roopa K.R. Microprocessor and Microcontrollers NPTEL Online Indian Institute Of Technology Kharagpur
Prof. Mamatha U. Microprocessor and Microcontrollers NPTEL Online Indian Institute Of Technology Kharagpur
Prof. Lakshmi Devi Microprocessor and Microcontrollers NPTEL Online Indian Institute Of Technology Kharagpur



Sneha P. J.
  • Represented VTU NET ball and Athletic team
  • AIU Netball competition held at Kurukshetra University and Athletics Meet held at Kalyan University West Bengal.
  • AIU Net Ball competitions held at PT Ravishankar Shokla University, Raipur – 2014
  • Sports Medal winner in the VTU Inter College Tournaments from 2010-2014
  • Gold Medal –1 (High Jump)
  • Silver Medal –4 (Long Jump and High Jump)
  • Bronze Medal –3(Long Jump and High Jump)
  • DBIT Spardha Sports Magazine –2018
Abhishek K. P.
  • VTU Cross Country Marthon Kolar
  • VTU Half Marthon, Bengaluru
  • Tumkur Marathon SIT, Tumkur

Academic Result

Gold Medal Awardees

(AY – 2016 – 2020)

Sl. No USN Name of Student
11DB16EC036Deepthi N
21DB16EC005Akash P
31DB16EC086Niranjan S D
41DB16EC147Tejas Kumar G
51DB16EC045Harini Subramanian
61DB16EC102Rajeshwari S
71DB16EC047Harshitha K N
81DB16EC068Likhitha M S
91DB16EC130Shweta Bai L
101DB16EC076Meghana K G
11Meghana K GAyesha Uzma Khan
121DB16EC094Pavithra K
131DB16EC143Sushma Basappa Byahatti
141DB16EC016Bhagya H B
151DB16EC103Ranjitha B
161DB16EC107S Swathi
171DB16EC096Pooja P
181DB16EC046Harshitha H G
191DB16EC150Tejaswini K
201DB16EC027Chandana S
211DB16EC156Vignesh S
221DB16EC135Spoorthi M

(AY – 2015 – 2019)

Sl. No USN Name of Student
11DB15EC036Harshitha T.M.
21DB15EC095Rohith S.
31DB15EC068Nikitha D.N.
41DB16EC430Manasa B.C.
51DB15EC101Santhosh Shet K.N.
61DB15EC061N.S. Kavya
71DB15EC105Shilpa S.
81DB15EC024Deepak V.
91DB15EC089Ranishree C.
101DB15EC072Nithin N.
111DB15EC088Ramya D.
121DB15EC112Spoorthi C.
131DB15EC016Boggula Chalapathi
141DB15EC133Yogitha R.H.
151DB15EC092Ravishankar P.C.
161DB15EC034Harshitha N Raj
171DB15EC102Shalini J.

AY 2016 – 2020

Sl. No. USN Name
11DB16EC086Niranjan S D
21DB16EC005Akash P
31DB16EC036Deepthi N
41DB16EC147Tejas Kumar G C
51DB16EC130Shweta Bai L

AY 2015 – 2019

Sl. No. USN Name
11DB16EC430Manasa B.C.
21DB15EC036Harshitha T.M.
31DB15EC068Nikitha D.N.
41DB15EC089Ranishree C
51DB15EC061N.S. Kavya


Research Areas

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Innovations in IC Design and Manufacture/Wireless and Wired Communication Systems/Signal Processing/Nano Technology. To facilitate research relevant to the present context, the department encourages the active involvement of faculty and students in collaborative programmes both at the national and international levels.

Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Innovations in IC Design and Manufacture/Wireless and Wired Communication Systems/Signal Processing/Nano Technology. To facilitate research relevant to the present context, the department encourages the active involvement of faculty and students in collaborative programmes both at the national and international levels.

Digital Signal Processing

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Innovations in IC Design and Manufacture/Wireless and Wired Communication Systems/Signal Processing/Nano Technology. To facilitate research relevant to the present context, the department encourages the active involvement of faculty and students in collaborative programmes both at the national and international levels.

Communication Network

A communication network is a set of individuals (or nodes) connected by communicative interaction. For example, an organizational communication network could consist of those seeking advice from others within the organization, and those giving advice. The abundant scope is available for improvements in Communication Networks for analysis using the theories, techniques, procedures, and applications, especially in Social Networking.

Powerline Communication

Power Line Communication (PLC) is a communication technology that enables sending data over existing power cables. This means that with just power cables running to an electronic device (for example a Modem) one can both power it up and at the same time control/retrieve data from it in a half-duplex manner. PLC is like any other communication technology whereby a sender modulates the data to be sent, injects it onto the medium, and the receiver demodulates the data to read it. At present PLC is widely used in the Smart Grid and micro-inverters. Possible future applications are Traffic Light Control, Water Flow Control in Irrigation, Vending Machines, Telemetry, Smart Vehicles in Transportation only limited by one’s creativity.

Sl. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. Rengaprabhu P. Professor and Head 19 5 0 19
2 Dr. Nataraj K.R. Professor, Dean & Director-R&D 25 15 ~ 25
3 Dr. Lalitha Y.S. Professor 23 11 0 23
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Mr. Amol Subhash Dange Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
2 Mr. Sreedhar Burada Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
3 Mr. B Sangamithra Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
4 Ms. Asha K. H. Course work Completed DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
5 Mr. Manjunath T. K. Comprehensive Viva Conducted DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Mr. Naveen N. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
2 Ms. Yashaswini B. M. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
3 Ms. Vinaka Deepak Halbhavi Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
4 Ms. Sumathi M. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
5 Ms. Shilpa S. G. Registered GSSSIT, Mysuru-VTU
6 Ms. Rohini B. R. Course Work Completed BMSIT, Bengaluru-VTU
7 Ms. Shruthi G. Course Work Completed SIT, Tumakuru-VTU
8 Mr. Ranjeet Kumar Course Work Completed VTURRC, Belagavi-VTU
9 Ms. Kusuma T. Comprehensive Viva Conducted GAT, Bengaluru-VTU
10 Mr. Santhosh Kumar G. Completed Comprehensive Viva AMCEC, Bengaluru-VTU

Research Initiative

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, established in 2001, currently admits 180 students with a staff-to-student ratio of 1:16. The faculty, with an average of 15 years of experience, includes 6 Professors, 10 Associate Professors, 22 Assistant Professors, and 16 Technical Staff, all dedicated to fostering academic and research excellence. The department boasts well-equipped laboratories, a departmental library, and robust internet facilities. Students benefit from industrial training, live projects, and enhanced employability opportunities.

Future Skills

In today’s highly competitive world, electrical engineers who possess the proper training, education, and experience often find that they have multiple career opportunities and options available. The skills that would be of prime importance in the future are:
  • Competence in the application of the latest software for various domains.
  • Adaption to various kinds of challenges/harsh environments.
  • Data collection and analysis.
  • Use of state-of-art IT tools.

List of Future Domains

The major thrust areas are:

  • Power Systems
  • Power Electronics
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Hybrid Electric Vehicles
  • Smart Grids

Industry Connect

The department shares a robust connection with industry on multiple fronts. The department organizes periodic visits to the industries driving core segments. The expert talks from the host of industry folks not only triggers the interest among the students about the futuristic models but also prepares them to handle the unforeseen challenges of the industry. The department has also signed MOUs with reputed core firms to boost the employability of the fresh engineers apart from venturing into consultancy activities.


Date Faculty Name Event Amount Organised By
13-03-15 Prof. Ravindranath K SPP Programme INR 5000 KSCST
03-05-16 Prof. Shashi Ranjan VGST INR 40000 VGST
02-08-18 Prof. Shashi Ranjan VTU Financial Assistance Programme INR 5000 VTU
02-08-18 Prof. Rashmi S B VTU Financial Assistance Programme INR 5000 VTU
28-03-18 Prof. Rashmi S B SPP Programme INR 6000 KSCST
11-03-20 Prof. Santhosh Nejakar SPP Programme INR 5000 KSCST
27-01-20 Dr. Rengaprabhu and Prof. Santhosh Nejkar FDP INR 2,80,000 VTU TEQIP 1.3 Sponsored
15-09-18 Dr Nataraj K R IoT and Traffic management R&D set up INR 1,00,73,000 KCTU
03-09-18 Dr Nataraj K R TBI set up for IoT and Traffic management INR 1,93,09,000 KCTU
15-11-21 Dr Rajshekar Patil Machine learning Lab INR 30,00,000 VGST
10-08-21 Dr Nataraj K R Margadarshak INR 50,00,000 AICTE
May/June 2021 Santhosh Nejakar, Sangam Kumar 44th SPP Programme INR 22,000 KSCST
May/June 2022 Dr Bhagya P, Tejasvini M L, Dr Rajshekar Patil 45th SPP Programme INR 34,000 KSCST
12-08-19 Dr Nataraj K R FDP INR 2,50,000 EDII

Research Projects and Funding

Sl. No.NameResearch Project Topic
1Mr Senthil Kumar R MModified Rounding Based Unsigned and Signed Multiplier with Low Power and Area for Digital Image Processing Applications Using CAD Tools
2Mr Kumaravel RDesign and Implementation of High Speed Low Power VLSI Architecture for Inexact Speculative Adder Using CAD Tools
3Mrs. Rekha SA novel design for power and area optimization in sequential circuit memory element using multibit flip flop
4Mr. R ShivajiPara reduction in OFDM system by combining PTS with DCT transforms
5Mrs. Sharmila NDesign of an efficient power monitoring scheme for a renewable energy based microgrid in islanded mode operation
6Mrs. Sheela SAn efficient approach for traffic congestion and management using IOT devices and its implementation on FPGA
7Mrs. Mamatha M PandithEnhancing the lifetime of data communication network using geographical routing algorithms
8Mr. Anandkumar PatilClassification of Crops using Color Texture Shape Features Identification of Diseases
9Mr. Virupaksha ReddyMorphological Based Image Fusion for MRI Images
10Mrs. Pooja HonnatagiFusion Strategy based on Underwater Image Enhancement



  • Ashwath Narayana, “Deployment of low-cost green synthesized SnO2 and CuO nanoparticles bi-layer based transistor for H2S detection”. Results in Chemistry – Elsevier, 2024, 101322. doi.org/10.1016/j.rechem.2024.101322.
  • Bhagya P, “An Efficient Multi Biometric Crypto-Key Generation”. Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2024, 01GIJET101304.
  • Babitha S, “Real Time Implementation of Fuzzy Controller to Minimize Torque Ripple in Switched Reluctance Motor”. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2023, 11(3), 308–317.
  • Ashwath Narayana, “Study on LiAgX Zeolite Based Pressure Swing Adsorption Technique Employed Oxygen Concentrator”. Eur. Chem. Bull., 2023, 12(10), 6234-6251. doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.438.
  • Sharanabasappa K, Shashi Ranjan, “Uplink Signal Generation and Analysis of 5G NR”. Foundry Journal, 2023, 26(9), 59-65. doi:10.29014/FJ-1001-4977.89.1817.
  • Bhagya P, “Ayurvedic Flora Detection Using CNN Algorithm,” International Conference on Network, 2023, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/NMITCON58196.2023.10276130.
  • Bhagya P, “Design and verification of an AMBA-APB protocol based system in SoC using UVM with Python regression script”. International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, 2023, ISSN: 2395-1052.
  • Tejaswini M L, “Room Temperature Measurement of NO and NO2 using Chemi-resistive Chalcogenide Based Sensor”. European Chemical Bulletin, 2023, 12(10), 6431-6440. doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.10.4492023.
  • Shashi Ranjan, Swetha B V, “5G Antenna Design for WLAN Application”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Vol-7, ISSN: 2395-4396.
  • Shashi Ranjan, Shwetha B V, Chaitra S, “Design of 28 GHz Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G Wireless Communications”. Gradiva Review Journal, 2023, 9(9), 521-523.


  • A. B. Bhavya, “Smart self-defense gadget for women’s safety using IoT”, ICDSMLA2020, Lecture notes in electrical engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3690-5_122
  • Mahadevi S.Manur, Dr. Kiran Bailey, “Design And Implementation Of Ss- Adc Component Using Finfet Technology”, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, Volume:04/Issue:02/February-2022, 429-437
  • Rajashekhargouda C. Patil & N. S. Chandrashekar, “Sentimental Analysis On Amazon Reviews Using Machine Learning”, ICUIS 2021: Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems pp 467–477, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-2541-2_3, 2022
  • Rajashekhargouda C. Patil, P. K. Mahesh, “ Oral Histopathological Photomicrograph Classification Using Deep Learning”, Next Generation Healthcare Systems Using Soft Computing Techniques, Book chapter, first edition, ISBN- 9781003217091, 2022
  • Lakshmidevi TR”Comparison of 4-Bit SAR ADC Using Different Logic Styles in 90nm Technology”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1, August 2021, DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-1817
  • Lakshmidevi TR, “High-Speed Area-Efficient Processor for Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication Over Prime Field Along with RSA Comparison”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1, August 2021, DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-1819
  • Tejaswini M. L”High-Speed Hybrid-Logic Full Adder Using High-Performance 10-T XOR–XNOR Cell”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1, August 2021, DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-184
  • Tejaswini ML, “Novel Method for Detection of Sars-COV2 Using Chest X-Ray Images”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1, August 2021, DOI: 10.48175/IJARSCT-1821
  • Babitha S”Design and Simulation of a Capless Low Drop Out Voltage Regulator”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 1, August 2021, 69-70
  • Babitha S, , “Car Safety and Fuel Monitoring System Using IOT”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp: 598-602, August 2021,
  • K. R. Nataraj, “An efficient dynamic power management model for a stand-alone DC Microgrid using CPIHC technique.” International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems 12.3 (2021): 1439.
  • Lalitha. “Enhanced Gain and Compact Size Microstrip Patch Antenna by Suppressing the Surface Waves.” Design Engineering (2021): 1364-1376.
  • Suresha, Halebeedu Subbaraya, and Srirangapatna Sampathkumaran Parthasarathy, “Detection of Alzheimer’s disease using grey wolf optimization based clustering algorithm and deep neural network from magnetic resonance images”, Distributed and parallel databases, Springer,2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10619-021-07345-y
  • Shashiranjan, Mahesh P K, “Voice Biometric: A Novel and Realistic Approach”, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 12(3), pp 5684-5694, 2021
  • Shashiranjan, Mahesh P K, “ A comprehensive framework for voice Biometrics”, 9(3), pp 575-583, 2021
  • Jai Prakash Prasad, “ Implementation of machine learning algorithm in Eye-Gaze tracking using WSN based convolutional Neural Network”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8(1), pp. 1785-1787, 2021
  • Jai Prakash Prasad. “Mobile and Location Based Service using Augmented Reality: A Review.” European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 5.2 (2021): 13-18.
  • Prasad JP. “Arduino based Machine Learning and IoT Smart Irrigation System.” International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) 10.4 (2021): 1-5.
  • J. P. Prasad, “Machine Learning Techniques in Plant Conditions Classification and Observation,” 2021 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 2021, pp. 729-734, doi: 10.1109/ICCMC51019.2021.9418386
  • Prakash, et al. “Smart garbage monitoring system using Internet of Things (IoT).” 2021 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). IEEE, 2021.
  • Roopa, B. S. “A Selection of an Optimal Framework Identifying the Prominent Autism Risk Gene Biomarkers from Gene Expression Data Using Neural Network.” SN Computer Science 2.4 (2021): 1-10.
  • Suresha, H.S, S.S. Detection of Alzheimer’s disease using grey wolf optimization based clustering algorithm and deep neural network from magnetic resonance images. Distributed Parallel Databases (2021).
  • G. H. Sangamkumar, N. Dinesh Kumar, Satyam Shreeh, B. M. Suhas & Vivek Ambi, “Unmanned Marine Robot”, ICDSMLA2020, Lecture notes in electrical engineering, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3690-5_99
  • Jai Prakash Prasad “IoT based smart healthcare wheelchair for independent elderly”, European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 5(5), pp 4-9, 2021
  • Shruthi G, June 2020 “Human Tracking using Kinect Sensor”, Volume-9,Issue-6, IJARCCE,ISSN-2278-1021
  • Shruthi G, Febraury 2020,”Beyond Binary, Beyond CMOS Implementation of TCAM Array” Volume-XII, ISSUE-II,JSR Journal, ISSN-1781-7838
  • Smitha Gayathri D, Usha Rani K R., 2019 “Adapting the Effect of Asynchronous Impulsive Noise using Interleaving Based on Compound Signal Classification in Broad Plc” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2, pp-1041-1047.
  • Spoorthi Chandranna, Tejaswini M.L., 2019.”Guidance for Blind and Visually Impaired People Using Modern Technology”, Volume 4, Issue 8, IJSDR, ISSN: 2455-2631, pp-2000-2006.
  • Suresh H. S., 2019 “Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease based on Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projections and Multi Support Vector Machine”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR), ISSN NO. 2349-5162, Volume 6 ISSUE 4,pp-309-313.
  • Suresh H.S., 2019 “ Region Localization using Recurrent Morphological Coding in Alzheimer MRI” ,International Journal of Research in Electronics & Computer Engineering(IJRECE) ,2393-9028 (PRINT), Volume 7 ISSUE 1 , ISSN 2348-2281,pp-890-897.
  • Suresh H S, 2019 “ Relief Feature Selection based Alzheimer ‘Disease Classification using Hybrid features and Support Vector machine in Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology (IJCET),0976 -6375 Paper Id: IJCET/10/01/2019/IJCET_42101, Volume 10, Issue1,(January-February2019),pp-124-137.
  • S. B. Rashmi, Siva S Yellampalli,2019“Design and Implementation of Low Noise Amplifier At 60ghz using Current Mirror Feedback” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-9S3,pp1098-1110.
  • Rashmi S. B., Siva S. Yellampalli2 “Design Of A 60 GHz Power Amplifier In A 45nm CMOS” International Journal Of Reconfigurable And Embedded Systems Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2019, Pp. 14~26 ISSN:2089-4864,DOI:10.11591/Ijres.V8.I1.pp-14-26.
  • Chandrashekar N S, Dr. K R Nataraj, “ LUNG CANCER DETECTION USING DBRAM-CED METHOD ON FPGA VIRTEX 6”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, (JETIR), Vol. 06, Issue 01, 2019, ISSN-2349-5162, UGC Approved, DOI http://doi.one/10.1729/Journal.19544, pp. 769-776.
  • Pooja Honnutagi, V. D. Mytri, Lalitha Y. S, 2019“Fusion-Based Underwater Image Enhancement by Weight Map Techniques” published in Recent Developments in Machine Learning and Data Analytics Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.2019 book, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1280-9_31, pp324to326.
  • Shashidhar Sonnad, Lalitha Y. S.,2019 “A Novel Feature Level Fusion Method for classification of Remote Sensing Images” published in Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, (STM Journals) ISSN: 2230-7990Online), ISSN: 2321-421X (Print) Volume 10, Issue 1; pp 58-65.
  • Shashidhar Sonnad, Lalitha Y.S.,2019 “Pixel Level Hybrid Fusion Method for Pan Sharpening Landsat-7 Images” International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, ISSN: 0974-0627, Volume-19, Issue No-1, pp 19-21.Sujata A A, Lalitha Y.S., 2019 “Design of Low Power 4bit 6T-Sram Cell for Data Storage using Finfet 32NM Technology” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278 – 3075, Volume-9, Issue-2, pp-1070-1077.
  • Patil R.C., Mahesh P.K.,2019 “Analysis of Various CNN Models for Locating Keratin Pearls in Photomicrographs. Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science, and Technology. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 545. Springer, Singapore. DOI: Online ISBN 978-981-13-5802-9, pp 493-500.
  • Sujata A A, Lalitha Y.S.,2019 “Performance Analysis of Analog data Compression and Decompression using ANN in 32nm Finfet Technology”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research (IJSTR) ISSN 2277-8616 Volume-8 Issue-11, pp-422-429.
  • Padmavati S. T and Lalitha Y. S.,2019 “Multiband Microstrip Patch Antennas using Heterogeneous Substrate for Wireless Applications” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-12, pp-2019-24.
  • Shashidhar Sonnad, Lalitha Y S., 2019. “Segmentation of High-Resolution Worldview-2 Satellite Images” International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, ISSN: 2320-0243, Volume-8, pp 2933-2938.
  • Anandkumar, Lalitha Y .S., 2019. “Classification of crops using ANN” published in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-2, pp-5044-5054.
  • Sujata A A, Lalitha Y.S., 2019. “Design of Low Power 6t-Sram Cell for Advanced Processors” international Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-6S, pp, 946-954.
  • Sharanagouda Nawaldgi, Lalitha Y. S., 2019. “Design of Probabilistic Patch Based Glaucoma Detection using CDR by Optic-Disc and Optic-Cup Segmentation” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE)ISSN:2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue3, DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5683.098319,pp-5044-5054.
  • Shruthi. G., 2020″Beyond Binary, Beyond CMOS Implementation of TCAM Array”, JSR journal-Web of science Group, Volume XII, Issue II, ISSN No: 1781-7838,pp-76-82.
  • Suresh H S., 2020 ” Alzheimer Disease Detection and Classification using Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis and Long Short-Term Memory Classifier, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN NO.2278-3075, Volume 8 ISSUE 3,pp-213-220
  • Roopa B.S., Dr. R Manjunatha Prasad., 2020″Identification of Best Fit Learning Models Based on Calibration for Better Classification of Autism” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), DOI 10.35940/ijeat C5205.029320, ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-9 Issue-3, pp-134-143.
  • Shashidhar Sonnad, Lalitha Y. S., 2020, “Multistage Decision Level Image Fusion Technique for WorldView-2 Images” published in International Journal of Imaging and Robotics,[Formerly known as the “International Journal of Imaging” (ISSN 0974-0627)] Volume 20; Issue No. 2; pp-92-106.
  • Padmavati S. T and Lalitha Y. S., 2020, “Compact Inverted U – Slot On A Patch Antenna With A Heterogeneous Substrate” International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 01, ISSN2277-8616,pp-304-310.
  • Anandkumar.Patil, Channabasava. A.Wadi, Dr. Lalitha.Y.S.,2018 “The Environmental Factors Monitoring For Healthy Crop Growth” International Journal of Management, Technology, and Engineering, volume 8, issue VIII, page no.572-576 ISSN NO: 2249-7455, UGC Journal NO. 45550, pp-56-62.
  • Sujata A.A. Lalitha Y.S.,2018 “Survey on latest Fin FET Technology and Its Challenges in Digital Circuits and IC’s” International Journal of Electronics Engineering (ISSN: 0973-7383) Volume 10 • Issue 2 pp. 577-585.
  • Sujata A.A. Lalitha Y.S.,2018 “Performance Analysis of FINFET Based 16:4 Encoder and 4:16 Decoder – A Design Perspective” IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing ISSN:2319-4200, Indexed Refereed Journal, Volume No. 8, Issue No.6, DOI- 10.9790/4200-0806014955, PP 49-55.
  • Jai Prakash Prasad and Dr. S C Mohan, “A Novel Energy Efficient Spherical Routing Model for Dynamic Route Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 4, Issue No. 29, , ISSN: 2278-0181,Page No. 1-6.
  • Chandrashekar N S, Dr. K R Nataraj,2018, “Image Smoothening Gradient Magnitude NMS and Thresholding Architecture of CED for Lung Cancer Detection”, Jour. of Adv. Research in Dynamical & Control Systems (JARDC), Vol. 10, 10-Special Issue, pp. 1156-1163.
  • Chandrashekar N S, Dr. K R Nataraj,2018, “FPGA based DBRAM-CED Method for Lung Cancer Detection” Eighth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology – CIIT 2018, Proceedings of the IDES Joint International Conferences CSA, SPC, CIIT, EMIE, SDEC, ET Com, and R Tee – 2018, Recent Application and Trends in Modern Engineering 2018, Published in Narosa Publication House, New Delhi and International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science Engineering (IJEECSE), UGC Approved, ISBN: 978-81-936117-5-3, pp 149-157.
  • Rajashekhargouda C. Patil and Dr. Mahesh P. K.,2018, “Classification of Oral Pathological Images Using Convolution Neural Networks” Asian Journal of Convergence in Technology, (AJCT ) -UGC LISTED Volume IV Issue I, ISSN NO: 2350-1146 I.F-5.11,pp-90-97
  • Rajashekhargouda C. Patil, Dr. Mahesh P. K., 2018, “Classification Of H&E Stained Oral Cancer Images Using Statistical and Histogram Features with SVM”, IJRAR – International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume.5, Issue 4, pp.: 310-313
  • Rajashekhargouda C Patil, Dr. Mahesh P. K.,2018 “Application of Deep Learning on Histopathological Photomicrographs”, JETIR – Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), ISSN-2349-5162, Volume.5, Issue 11, pp-287-290.
  • Rashmi S B1, Dr. Siva S yellampalli2, 2018 “A 60GHz High Gain CG-CG Current Reuse Low Noise Amplifier for Inter Satellite Communication for Space” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 119 No. 14, ISSN: 1314-3395,pp-105-112
  • Dr. R Manjunatha Prasad, Roopa B. S. “SVM Classifiers at it Bests in Brain Tumor Detection using MR Images” International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), Volume – 2, Issue – 5, Jul-Aug 2018, ISSN NO: 2456-6470,pp95-101.
  • Suresh H.S.,2018 “ Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease using Fast Independent Component Analysis and Otsu Multi-level Thresholding”, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES), Paper Id: IJIES 1335, Volume 11, NO.5, DOI: 10.22266/ijies2018.1031.0,pp108-116.
  • Sharanagouda Nawaldgi, Lalitha Y.S., 2017, “A Novel Combined Color Channel and ISNT Rule-Based Automatic Glaucoma Detection from Color Fundus Image” Indian Journal of Science and Technology Vol 10(13), DOI:10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i13111722, ISSN (Print):0974-6846, ISSN (Online):0974-5645, pp 1-6.
  • Shashidhar Sonnad, Lalitha Y.S., Jyothi H. 2017, “Image Fusion Algorithm for Fusion of Panchromatic And Multispectral Images for High Spatial Information Preserving Spectral Information Content” International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research, ISSN: 2456 – 3080, pp 19-21.
  • Shashidhar Sonnad, Lalitha Y.S, Malvika Pujari, 2017 “Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Registration and Fusion for High Spatial and Spectral Information by Minimizing Registration Error” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 178 – No.6, November 2017, pp 10-13.
  • Mrs. Babitha .S., Ms. Padmashree V.Kulkarni, Dr. Jyoti Koujalagi,2017 SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SSRG-IJEEE) – Volume 4 Issue 7 ISSN: 2348 – 8379, pp 120-126.
  • Spandan Shrestha, Priyalukshmy Jeyakumar, Arjun Prasad Chaurasiya, Lalitha Y. S, 2017 “Quality Assessment for Multi-Exposure Multi- focus Image Fusion” International Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology, Volume 4 Issue 4 – APRIL 2018, pp-2309-2314.
  • Jai Prakash Prasad and Dr. S C Mohan, 2017, “Optimized Implementation of Energy Efficient Spherical Grid Routing to Monitor Fast Moving Object”, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET), Grenze ID:01.GIJET.3.3.10, pp-15-19.
  • Chandrashekar N S, Dr. K R Nataraj, 2017, “A Review on FPGA Implementation of Distributed Canny Edge Detector”, Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology (GIJET), Grenze Scientific Society, Grenze ID:01.GIJET.3.3.69, pp-94-99.
  • Rajashekhargouda C. Patil and Dr. Mahesh P. K., 2017, “Study of Hematoxylin and Eosin dye and it’s Alternatives in Oral Cancer Detection”, GRENZE International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Grenze ID: 02.ICCTEST.2017.1.186 ISSN: 2395-5295(Online);Vol:3, Issue:3, pp-250-253
  • Anandkumar Patil, Ms. Sakshamma B. H, Dr. Lalitha Y. S.,2017, “Crop Disease Identification and Classification using Fuzzy Classifier” International Journal of Management, Technology, and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue VIII, ISSN NO: 2249-7455.UGC Journal NO.45550, pp-577-581


Placement Training Program
Placement Training Program
The Department of Training & Placement offers comprehensive training to ensure students are fully prepared for successful placements. We conduct exclusive, extended pre-placement training programs to enhance employability skills.
  • Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) & Soft Skills Training: A 400-hour intensive program sponsored by Capgemini through Technoserve, focusing on JEE and essential soft skills development.
  • Aptitude & Soft Skills Training for MBA Students: Tailored sessions designed to enhance both technical and interpersonal skills crucial for MBA graduates.
  • Aptitude & Soft Skills Training for Engineering Streams: Comprehensive training programs aimed at equipping engineering students across all streams with necessary aptitude and soft skills.
Additionally, we organize a series of mock interviews and mock aptitude tests to simulate real-world recruitment processes and help students build confidence and improve their performance.
Career Guidance
Career Guidance

The Department of Training & Placement is dedicated to guiding every student towards a successful career path. We regularly organize career guidance sessions and invite industry experts for discussions and webinars to provide insights and advice.

Job Opportunities

Our department offers a range of pre-placement training programs and value-added courses to enhance students’ skills in line with the latest market trends. We assist students in securing internships and pre-placement offers with renowned companies and organizations, providing personalized support and guidance. Additionally, we raise awareness about career opportunities in Indian Civil Services, government, and public sectors, offering the necessary guidance to help students navigate these options.

Higher Studies

For students interested in pursuing higher education or studying abroad, the Department of Training & Placement offers extensive guidance. We conduct awareness programs on various entrance examinations, including GRE, IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, and GATE, and provide information on university selection criteria and application processes.


We actively encourage our students, faculty, and alumni to foster innovation and entrepreneurship through our Entrepreneurship Development Cell. We provide comprehensive support and guidance for writing project reports, understanding company registration processes, preparing investment pitches, and utilizing infrastructure facilities to help turn unique ideas into successful business ventures.

Industry Interface
Industry Interface
  • Technical Seminar on: “Semiconductor Nation Building ESDM Nation”.
  • Webinar on: “Next Generation Technology Focusing on Artificial Intelligence”.
  • Motivational Lecture: Career Opportunities in the Indian Air Force.
  • Collaboration with EdgeVerve Systems Ltd: Infosys Fintech Certification Program.
  • Associated with TCS NQT: For placements.
  • Collaboration with NASSCOM IT–ITeS SSC: Future Skill Program to upskill industry-relevant knowledge.
Value Added Programs
Certification Programs and Awareness Sessions
  • Certification Program on Enterprise Technology and Data Centre Architecture: Offered by ABSTREAM Technologies. The Data Centre provides internships and projects that offer hands-on experience in Data Centre Architecture and Data Processing for research and analysis.
  • Video Proctored Certification Drive: Conducted by Infosys Springboard.
  • Certification Programs on Career Edge, Campus Commune & Code Vita CODING TEST: Offered by TCS.
  • Certification Program in Robotics: Provided by KUKA.
  • Certification Program on PLM: Provided by Siemens.
  • Certification Program on Infosys Springboard Learning Portal: A comprehensive learning platform for students.
  • Certification Program on Python Programming: Offered by M/s Eduranz.
  • Awareness Session: Covers the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), Civil Service Exams, and Higher Studies to prepare students for government sector jobs, private sector jobs, and study abroad opportunities.
Support to Admissions
Support to Admissions

The Department of Training and Placement has been actively supporting the admissions team through various initiatives.

  • Venue for Conducting Online & Offline Exams: Hosting exams for several agencies to enhance brand visibility.
  • Setting Up Helpdesks: At COMED K Seat Selection Centres to assist parents and students.
  • Organizing Competitions: Such as the Science Wizard Quiz for PU students.
  • Conducting Offline Recruitment Exams: For Mangalore Refinery Petrochemical Ltd (MRPL).
  • Conducting Online CFA Exams: Through Vision Tech Park Pvt Ltd.
  • Venue for GATE Online Recruitment Examination: Providing facilities for candidates.
  • Venue for INDO-TIBETAN BORDER POLICE FORCE Offline Exam: Supporting recruitment efforts.
  • Venue for NTA SWAYAM Online Exam: Facilitating online examinations.
  • Venue for NTA JEE Exams: Providing a venue for online exams.
  • Venue for Conducting Various Examinations: Including NEET, AIMS, CET, KSOU, and more.

Our Premium Recruters

Placement Training Program

Java & Skills

Training on Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) and Soft skills training program for 400 Hours, Sponsored by Capgemini through Technoserve

MBA Skill Development

Aptitude and Soft Skills Training Program for MBA Students: Enhance Your Abilities for Success in the Business World and Career Advancement

Engineering Skill

Aptitude and Soft Skills Training Program for All Engineering Streams: Boost Your Career Readiness and Enhance Your Problem-Solving and Communication Skills

Career Guidance

Job Opportunities

The Department of Training & Placement offers conventional pre-placement training and value-added programs for skill enhancement based on current market trends. We assist students in securing internships and pre-placement offers from reputable companies, ensuring individual attention and support. Additionally, we provide guidance on opportunities in Indian Civil Services and the public sector.

Higher Studies

The Department of Training & Placement offers guidance for students pursuing higher studies abroad. We conduct awareness programs on entrance examinations such as GRE, IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, and GATE. Additionally, we provide information on selection criteria for university applications, ensuring students are well-prepared for their academic journeys.


We encourage students, faculty, and alumni to establish incubation centers with innovative ideas through our Entrepreneurship Development Cell. Our team provides essential guidance on writing project reports, information on company registrations, investment pitches, and access to infrastructure facilities to support your entrepreneurial journey and bring your unique concepts to life.


Data is a new and invaluable asset and Big Data is being generated across the world, like never before. The richest businessmen of the world are dependent and thrive on data. DBIT proudly hosts a State-of-the-Art Data Centre for skilling circuit branch students in Enterprise Technologies which is one of the emerging cutting edge technologies to store the Big Data.
The data centre offers vast and real-time opportunities in the areas of Internships and Projects to provide exposure to the Architecture of the Data Centre along with Data Processing for Research and Analysis, and so on.

Placement Statics


Webinar on “ETHICAL HACKING AND CAREER IN CYBER SECURITY”, Mr. Tharun Kumar U, SOC Analyst L1, Inspira Technologies, Mumbai

July 16th 2021

The Webinar was conducted to give an additional skill and career opportunities to the students of ECE in the field of Cyber Security on. The webinar provided a platform for students and staff to enrich their knowledge. The webinar was hosted online on 16th July 2021 from 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM at DBIT with 100 plus Students and Staff from ECE participating actively in the webinar. The feedback received from the participants has been very encouraging and has motivated us to plan many more such webinars. The following were the key topics of discussion: Introduction to Cyber Security, Phases of Cyber Kill Chain, Real Tine examples on Hacking, A case study example about the vulnerability of hacking question paper and making them secure was discussed, Real time demo about the traffic management in cyber security was done.

Webinar on “Introduction and Over view of Big Data & Deep Learning” Mr. Raghavendra Desai, Senior Member of Technical Staff Salesforce, India. Mr. Sandeep Dutta, Senior Developer,Intel Technology, India. Mr. Ajay Kulkarni Senior Optimization Engineer Intel Technology, India.

June 09th 2021

Webinar Organized by Department of ECE on Wednesday 09th June 2021 from 09.00 am to 11.00 am in online mode using Microsoft Team. The principal DBIT, HOD – ECE, faculties and 4th, 6th and 8th Semester students are the members present in the meeting. Overall 255+ participants participated in the meeting.

The agenda of discussion over Introduction and Overview of Big Data and Deep Learning is background, Big data Architecture, Big data ecosystem, spark introduction and application, Introduction to Big Data & its Ecology in Industry, Deep Learning Overview, Workload Optimization for Deep Learning Models.

Webinar on “Microcontroller Application Perspective” By Prof. Krishnananda L, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Govt. SKSJ Technological Institute, Bengaluru.

July 03rd 2021

The Webinar was conducted to give an additional skill to the students of ECE in the field of Microcontrollers application. The webinar was hosted online on 3rd July 2021 from 10.00 AM to 12.15 PM at DBIT with 90 plus Students and Staff from ECE participating actively in the webinar. The feedback received from the participants has been very encouraging and has motivated us to plan many more such webinars.

Webinar on “Machine Learning Challenges and ResearchOpportunities”, by Dr. Lalitha Y. S., Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, DBIT.

June 08th 2000

Dr. Manesh B. Kokare delivered the technical talk on the Machine Learning Challenges and Research Opportunities. The webinar was hosted on 8th June 2020 from 2.00 PM to 3.30 PM at DBIT Campus. Students and Staff from various colleges and DBIT participating actively in the interactive session which got extended to two and a half hours as against the planned duration of one and a half hours. The feedback received from the participants has been very encouraging and has motivated us to plan many more such webinars.

Webinar on “A Knowledge on Startup India”by Dr. Jai Prakash Prasad, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication, DBIT.

May 30th 2020

Dr. Jai Prakash Prasad delivered the presentation talk on the topic titled “A Knowledge on Startup India” at the Department of Electronics and Communication, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Mysore Road, Kumbalgodu, Bangalore-560078. The webinar was hosted on 30th May 2020 from 10.00 AM to 11.20AM at DBIT Bangalore Campus. Students and Staff from other colleges and DBIT participating actively in the interactive session on the planned duration of one hours and twenty minutes. The feedback received from the participants has been very encouraging and has motivated us to plan many more such webinars.

Conference / Seminars

Seminar on "Development in Embedded System and IOT"

Oct 23th 2018

Guest Name / Resource Person: Mr. Hemanth Kumar V., No of Attendees: 75 Members

Seminar on "Development in Embedded System and IOT"

March 08th 2018

Guest Name / Resource Person: Mr. Girish, No of Attendees: 150 Members

Seminar on "IOT, ARM, Raspberry PI, Microcontroller and Embedded"

March28th 2017

Guest Name / Resource Person: Mr. Chethan C. R., No of Attendees: 100 Members

International Conference On “Current Trends In Engineering Science And Technology” - ICCTEST 2017

January 05th- 07th 2017

DescriptionThe International conference focused on the domains of Signal Processing, Image Processing and VLSI. In an overwhelming response,375research papers were received from all over the worldand each paper was reviewed by two experts in theconcerned area. Out of the 221research papers received only 42 papers shortlisted and presented. The total number of participants were 83.


Dr. Siddalingappagouda Biradar,Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,DSATM, Bengaluru.

July 7th – 8th 2021

2-Days Hands-on workshop On Computer Networks using Networking Tools

144 plus Students and Staff from ECE participated actively in the workshop.

Dr. Rajashekargouda C Patil, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, DBIT, | B) Mrs. Bhavya A B, Assistant professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, DBIT, Bengaluru.

June 09th – 13th 2021

Introduction to Machine Learning150 plus Students and Staff from ECE participated actively in the workshop.

A) Dr. Guruprasad H. S.,BMSCE, Bengaluru | B) Dr. Seshachalam D.,BMSCE, Bengaluru | C) Dr. Suresh Ramaswamy Reddy, BMSCE, Bengaluru

January 27th – 31st 2020

TEQIP 1.3 Sponsored 5 Days Training Programme on “Outcome Based Education and NBA Accreditation

58 Teaching Staff from Various Institutions across Karnataka

Ms. Smitha Gayathri D. | Students of 4th and 6th Semester | Department of ECE, DBIT, Bengaluru

April 24th – 10th May 2019

Interaction during”FAER Technology Barrier Reduction Programme – 2019

32 Students from Govt. Schools of Karnataka participated in the programme

Ms. Smitha Gayathri D. | Students of 4th and 6th Semester | Department of ECE, DBIT, Bengaluru

April 24th – 10th May 2019

Interaction during”FAER Technology Barrier Reduction Programme – 2019

32 Students from Govt. Schools of Karnataka participated in the programme

Dr .Siddu Biradar | Mr. Sangam H. | ECE Department, DBIT, Bengaluru

January 4th – 6th 2018

15ECL68-Computer Network Lab

33 Teaching Staff and Students from Various Institutions across Karnataka

Guest Lectures / Tech Talks / Interaction

Mr. Theertha Kumar,SOC Design Engineer, Intel Corporation, Bengaluru

24th July 2021

“Trends in VLSI and challenges in SOC design” 110 – 3rd and 5th Semester Students

Dr. Ramya H R,Assistant Professor,Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, MSRIT.

19th June 2021

“FUZZY Logic and Its Applications”  75 – 3rd and 5th Semester Students

Ms. Camilla,Ms. Marianna Felix, Google, London Ms. Shraddha Gangawar, Google, India

25th September 2019

Technical Talk on “Google Map Survey and Interaction” 15 – 5th Semester Students

Ms. Shradda Gangawar, Google, India.

29th August 2019

Technical Talk on “CrowdSource by Google” 30 – 3rd and 5th Semester Students

Industry Visit

A one day Industrial visit to Indian space Research Organization (ISRO), Bangalore was organized by Department of Electronics and Communication on 4 th September 2017. It was a half day visit by 25 students of 5th semester along with 2 faculty members. ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) is the lead center of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) responsible for design, development, assembly & integration of communication, navigation, remote sensing, scientific and small satellite missions.

For the benefit of students there is a space exhibition center at ISAC. Our students were able to see the exhibition. Scientists explained each and every display unit kept for the exhibition. It includes the models of the first Indian satellite Aryabhatta, APPLE, INSAT series etc. Satellites are basically of two types- Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites and communication satellites. IRS-1A was the first remote sensing mission undertaken by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). It was a part-operational, part-experimental mission to develop Indian expertise in satellite imagery. The Industrial Visit was a great benefit for the students to directly understand about the various concepts of satellite and space missions done by ISRO.



Recognizing the need for hands-on training during the course work, Internship has been arranged for the students of the final year in various reputed organizations belonging to both Government and Private Sectors. Some of them are Abstream Technologies, Acranton Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bosch Limited, BSNL, Coding Express, Effent Technologies, Exposys Data Labs, Goldman Sachs, Immovido, Internshala, Konigtronics Private Limited, Prinston Smart Engineers, Spark Foundation, Tech Fortune, V V Technologies, Verzeo, Technofly, DBIT ECE Dept and R & D. A total of 168 students have benefited from the internship that they have undergone.

Calender of Events

Coming Soon


2022 Scheme

3rd Semester
Sl. NoCourse CodeCourse TitleScheme/Syllabus
1BMATEC301Mathematics-III for EC EngineeringView/Download
2BEC302Digital System Design using VerilogView/Download
3BEC303Electronic Principles and CircuitsView/Download
4BEC304Network AnalysisView/Download
5BECL305Analog and Digital Systems Design LabView/Download
7BSCK307Social Connect and ResponsibilityView/Download
8BXX358xAbility Enhancement Course/Skill Enhancement Course– IIIView/Download
9BNSK359National Service Scheme (NSS)View/Download
10BPEK359Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)View/Download
4th Semester
Sl. NoCourse CodeCourse TitleScheme/Syllabus
1BEC401Electromagnetics TheoryView/Download
2BEC402Principles of Communication SystemsView/Download
3BEC403Control SystemsView/Download
4BECL404Communication LabView/Download
6BXX456xAbility Enhancement Course/Skill Enhancement Course– IVView/Download
7BNSK459National Service Scheme (NSS)View/Download
8BPEK459Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)View/Download
5th Semester
Sl. NoCourse CodeCourse TitleScheme/Syllabus
1BEC501Technological Innovation and Management EntrepreneurshipView/Download
2BEC502Digital Signal ProcessingView/Download
3BEC503Digital CommunicationView/Download
4BECL504Digital Communication LabView/Download
5BEC515xProfessional Elective CourseView/Download
6BEC586Mini ProjectView/Download
7BRMK557Research Methodology and IPRView/Download
8BESK508Environmental StudiesView/Download
9BNSK559National Service Scheme (NSS)View/Download
10BPEK559Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)View/Download
6th Semester
Sl. NoCourse CodeCourse TitleScheme/Syllabus
1BEC601Embedded System DesignView/Download
2BEC602VLSI Design and TestingView/Download
3BEC613xProfessional Elective CourseView/Download
4BEC654xOpen Elective CourseView/Download
5BEC685Major Project Phase IView/Download
6BECL606VLSI Design and Testing LabView/Download
7BEC657xAbility Enhancement Course/Skill Development Course VView/Download
8BNSK658National Service Scheme (NSS)View/Download
9BPEK658Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)View/Download
11BIKS609Indian Knowledge SystemView/Download
7th Semester
Sl. NoCourse CodeCourse TitleScheme/Syllabus
1BEC701Microwave Engineering and Antenna TheoryView/Download
2BEC702Computer Networks and ProtocolsView/Download
3BEC703Wireless Communication SystemsView/Download
4BEC714xProfessional Elective CourseView/Download
5BEC755xOpen Elective CourseView/Download
6BEC786Major Project Phase-IIView/Download
7BEC801ABOS Recommended CourseView/Download
8BEC801BBOS Recommended CourseView/Download
9BEC801CBOS Recommended CourseView/Download
10BNSK807National Service Scheme (NSS)View/Download
12BPEK808Physical EducationView/Download
8th Semester
Sl. NoCourse CodeCourse TitleScheme/Syllabus
1BEC801xProfessional Elective (Online Courses)View/Download
2BEC802xOpen Elective (Online Courses)View/Download
3BEC803Internship (Industry/Research) (14 – 20 weeks)View/Download
4BEC801ABOS Recommended CourseView/Download
5BEC801BBOS Recommended CourseView/Download
6BEC801CBOS Recommended CourseView/Download
7BNSK808National Service Scheme (NSS)View/Download
9BPEK808Physical Education (PE)View/Download

Teacher Notes

Teachers Notes (All Semesters)

Category Department Download Links
Science and Humanities (S & H) 1st Year - (Physics and Chemistry Cycle) View / Downloads
Under Graduate (UG) Electronics and Communication Engineering View / Downloads
Computer Science and Engineering View / Downloads
Information Science and Engineering View / Downloads
Mechanical Engineering View / Downloads
Electrical and Electronics Engineering View / Downloads
Civil Engineering View / Downloads
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning View / Downloads
Artificial Intelligence & Data Science View / Downloads
Post Graduate (PG) Master of Business Administration (MBA) View / Downloads

Class Incharge

Semester Class Class Teacher Official Mail ID
III A Dr. Akshath M J akshathmj@dbit.co.in
III B Prof. Tejaswini M L mltejaswini@dbit.co.in
III C Prof. Suresha H S srisuri75@dbit.co.in
V A Prof. Rashmi K T rashmikt@dbit.co.in
V B Prof. Shruthi G shruthiec@dbit.co.in
VII A Prof. Bhavya A B bhavya@dbit.co.in
VII B Prof. Babitha S babithaeced@dbit.co.in
VII C Prof. Shashiranjan shashiranjan@dbit.co.in
VII D Prof. Kishore Kumar kishor13kumar@dbit.co.in

Highest Package

0 +

Campus Recruiters

0 %

Placement Assistance

Documents Required

  • 10th standard marks card for proof of date of birth - Original + 3 attested photocopies.
  • 12th standard/equivalent marks card - Original + 3 attested photocopies.
  • Transfer certificate from the institution last attended - Original + 3 attested photocopies.
  • Migration Certificate from the University/Board last studied (for students other than Karnataka PU Board, CBSE and ICSE) - Original + 3 photocopies.
  • Conduct Certificate from the institution last attended – Original only.
  • Medical Certificate for ascertaining the blood group.
  • Passport Size Photographs with red background - 10 numbers.
  • Caste cum Income Certificate (for CET and Karnataka Management Students).
  • Seven years study certificate (for CET students only).
  • A copy of the students’ account details (if availing for scholarship offered by various Govt. bodies and private organizations).
  • Photocopy of Aadhar card - 2 numbers.

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