who can apply
September 20, 2024 2025-01-02 11:48who can apply
Who Can Apply
Admission Through CET
Admission Through COMDEDK
Admission Through Management
Who Can Apply
Eligibility to Apply
Admission Through CET / PGCET
The Government of Karnataka conducts the Common Entrance Test (CET) through Karnataka Examination Authority. This entrance exam is a gateway to get engineering seats in Government quota. The CET conducts the examination in four subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics. Candidates who want to get admission in Engineering courses appear for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics exams. As per the CET ranking students can select the college at the time of CET counselling.
For more information: www.kea.kar.nic.in
Admission Through COMEDK
Karnataka Professional Colleges Foundation, in their endeavour to offer an effective, fair and objective testing procedure to determine merit of students seeking admission to the member institutions, have formed “Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka” (COMEDK). COMEDK has been assigned the task of organising a common entrance test for the academic year 2020-2021. COMEDK entrance test & publication of test score and rank list will be followed by centralized counselling (Single window system).
For more information: www.comedk.org
Admission Through Management
Applications must be made only in the prescribed format. Applicants are requested to read the rules & regulations carefully before filling up the application. Application is a key part of the admission process. Incomplete or false information will adversely affect. After scrutiny of application form, prospective candidates will be invited for a personal counselling. Successful candidates will have to get themselves admitted immediately. Selections will be made in accordance with the Government regulations prevailing at the time of admission. At the time of admission all the originals and relevant documents and filled up application should be submitted.
Through Management:
Depending on the seat availability in every branch.
Who Can Apply
In the admission procedure, allotment of seats and fees structure for all the seats, our College strictly adheres to the order of the Government of Karnataka amended from time to time and prevalent at the date of admission.
45% of the seats are filled by the Government of Karnataka through Common Entrance Test (CET).
30% of the seats are filled through the entrance test conducted by the Comed-K.
25% of the seats are filled by Management.
Aggregate of 45% marks in 12th standard or equivalent thereof in PCM/B-relaxation of 5% is permissible for the candidates belong to SC/ST and specified backward communities in Karnataka.