
Research centres

Research and Development

The Department of R&D Center involves identifying new research areas, developing projects leading to publications in National/International Journals and conferences. Established the R&D department at the Institution level to promote Research & Innovation among the students & faculty. The center helps in developing co-operative and complementary research among various Departments under DBIT to explore advanced technologies. The Centre holds periodical Review meetings on the progress of research being carried out for Ph.D. as well as the funded projects. The Centre also guides in writing projects, scientific papers leading to publication as well as in identifying results of research for filing patents. To support R & D, DBIT has well established in house IP Cell, which has MoU with Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Govt of Karnataka, and CIPAM, Govt of India.

The Institution has been provided with an excellent opportunity to create, revise, redesign, or introduce innovations in the curriculum. The integration of practical components in addition to the theoretical part of the course has enhanced the learning ability of the students.

Threading this path, the Institution foregrounded the concept of research, a necessary environment and facilities were created amongst the students from the first year of their study. Centralized innovation research labs and Incubation centers were established in association with Karnataka Council for Technological Upgradation (KCTU) GoK by funding 1.93 Cr for incubation center and 1.07 Cr for research lab, and the same infrastructure is utilized by nearby MSME industries and startups. These labs are broad-based and not confined to a single area/discipline. Student groups (multidisciplinary) work on various engineering projects in these labs – concept to designing the prototype. Currently, many students are working in these labs. Creative thinking skills of the students and mentoring by faculty guides result in development creating systematic processes and products. These research labs help the students to build prototypes that enable them to participate in competitions both in India & Abroad. To promote industry institute interaction, the Department of R&D done MoU with reputed industries like intel, siemens, bosch rexroth, Infosys, AB Streams Technologies, 3Di Technology Solutions etc.

Coordinator & Staff

Mrs. Vijayashree

Dept of EEE

Mr. Gobinath S

Dept Of CV

Mrs. Sheela S

Dept Of TC

Dr. Bhavyashree Shetty

Dept of Physics

Dr. Shubha J P

Dept of Chemistry

Mr. Santosh M Nejakar

Dept of IP Cell, ECE

Dr. Rashmi SB

Dept of ECE

Dr. Anasuya N J

Dept of ISE

Dr. Manjunath Swamy B E

Dept of CSE

Dr. Arun Magdum

Dept of ME

Contact Person

Research and Development

The Department of R&D Center involves identifying new research areas, developing projects leading to publications in National/International Journals and conferences. Established the R&D department at the Institution level to promote Research & Innovation among the students & faculty. The center helps in developing co-operative and complementary research among various Departments under DBIT to explore advanced technologies. The Centre holds periodical Review meetings on the progress of research being carried out for Ph.D. as well as the funded projects. The Centre also guides in writing projects, scientific papers leading to publication as well as in identifying results of research for filing patents. To support R & D, DBIT has well established in house IP Cell, which has MoU with Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Govt of Karnataka, and CIPAM, Govt of India.

The Institution has been provided with an excellent opportunity to create, revise, redesign, or introduce innovations in the curriculum. The integration of practical components in addition to the theoretical part of the course has enhanced the learning ability of the students.

Threading this path, the Institution foregrounded the concept of research, a necessary environment and facilities were created amongst the students from the first year of their study. Centralized innovation research labs and Incubation centers were established in association with Karnataka Council for Technological Upgradation (KCTU) GoK by funding 1.93 Cr for incubation center and 1.07 Cr for research lab, and the same infrastructure is utilized by nearby MSME industries and startups. These labs are broad-based and not confined to a single area/discipline. Student groups (multidisciplinary) work on various engineering projects in these labs – concept to designing the prototype. Currently, many students are working in these labs. Creative thinking skills of the students and mentoring by faculty guides result in development creating systematic processes and products. These research labs help the students to build prototypes that enable them to participate in competitions both in India & Abroad. To promote industry institute interaction, the Department of R&D done MoU with reputed industries like intel, siemens, bosch rexroth, Infosys, AB Streams Technologies, 3Di Technology Solutions etc.

Coordinator & Staff

Mrs. Vijayashree

Dept of EEE

Mr. Gobinath S

Dept Of CV

Mrs. Sheela S

Dept Of TC

Dr. Bhavyashree Shetty

Dept of Physics

Dr. Shubha J P

Dept of Chemistry

Mr. Santosh M Nejakar

Dept of IP Cell, ECE

Dr. Rashmi SB

Dept of ECE

Dr. Anasuya N J

Dept of ISE

Dr. Manjunath Swamy B E

Dept of CSE

Dr. Arun Magdum

Dept of ME

Contact Person

Dean & Director

I feel it as my privilege to work as a Dean and Director (R&D) in the prestigious institution like DBIT. To uplift the image of the R&D, we are planning to organize various technical events in the campus with external funding from various organizations like ATAL INNOVATION Mission under NITI Aayog, SERB, DST, AICTE, DRDO, ISRO, EDII, NSTEDB, KCTU, MSME and from professional bodies like IEEE, IEI, IETE, CSI, ACCS which helps to update the knowledge of the faculty and students in the recent trends of technological growth.

Any educational institution’s growth depends on its research component. The quality research undoubtedly brings good ranking to the Institution. This includes various parameters like sponsored projects, the number of research publications in the SCI and Scopus indexed journals by the faculty, number of Ph.Ds available in the college and number of technical events being organized in the college. In the present day trend research is of prime importance apart from infrastructural facilities, teaching & learning processes for getting good accreditation grading and national level ranking for the institution. Unless the institution is strong enough in its research background, it will be difficult to compete with other educational institutions. We are encouraging the faculty to complete their Ph. D degree at the earliest. In the other perspective, the institution is providing financial assistance to faculty for presenting research papers at various conferences and symposia as a part of the research activity.


Dean & Director

Research labs & TBI centers are essential in all the departments to promote quality research& to come out with innovative patentable products. For this we are putting Efforts along with experts to establish R&D laboratories& TBI centers with high- end equipment in various specialized fields. These labs will also be useful for executing UG, PG projects and to support consultancy projects in the departments. In addition to the above facts, research forum lectures for faculty, value-added classes for the students and guest lectures by eminent people from academia and industry are regular activities in the college. The faculty members are being motivated to organize events like workshops, international conferences/symposia, FDP on specific themes which will be useful to the faculty to update their domain knowledge. Faculties are also encouraged to publish research papers in the refereed journals and to apply for sponsored projects.


Dean & Director

MoU’s with Organization

Ph.D Awarded

Ph.D Enrolment in Research Centre

ED Cell (Entrepreneurship Development Cell)

National Innovation and Startup Policy(NISP)



Research Areas

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Innovations in IC Design and Manufacture/Wireless and Wired Communication Systems/Signal Processing/Nano Technology. To facilitate research relevant to the present context, the department encourages the active involvement of faculty and students in collaborative programmes both at the national and international levels.

Very-Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Innovations in IC Design and Manufacture/Wireless and Wired Communication Systems/Signal Processing/Nano Technology. To facilitate research relevant to the present context, the department encourages the active involvement of faculty and students in collaborative programmes both at the national and international levels.

Digital Signal Processing

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Innovations in IC Design and Manufacture/Wireless and Wired Communication Systems/Signal Processing/Nano Technology. To facilitate research relevant to the present context, the department encourages the active involvement of faculty and students in collaborative programmes both at the national and international levels.

Communication Network

A communication network is a set of individuals (or nodes) connected by communicative interaction. For example, an organizational communication network could consist of those seeking advice from others within the organization, and those giving advice. The abundant scope is available for improvements in Communication Networks for analysis using the theories, techniques, procedures, and applications, especially in Social Networking.

Powerline Communication

Power Line Communication (PLC) is a communication technology that enables sending data over existing power cables. This means that with just power cables running to an electronic device (for example a Modem) one can both power it up and at the same time control/retrieve data from it in a half-duplex manner. PLC is like any other communication technology whereby a sender modulates the data to be sent, injects it onto the medium, and the receiver demodulates the data to read it. At present PLC is widely used in the Smart Grid and micro-inverters. Possible future applications are Traffic Light Control, Water Flow Control in Irrigation, Vending Machines, Telemetry, Smart Vehicles in Transportation only limited by one’s creativity.

Sl. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. Rengaprabhu P. Professor and Head 19 5 0 19
2 Dr. Nataraj K.R. Professor, Dean & Director-R&D 25 15 ~ 25
3 Dr. Lalitha Y.S. Professor 23 11 0 23
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Mr. Amol Subhash Dange Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
2 Mr. Sreedhar Burada Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
3 Mr. B Sangamithra Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
4 Ms. Asha K. H. Course work Completed DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
5 Mr. Manjunath T. K. Comprehensive Viva Conducted DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Mr. Naveen N. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
2 Ms. Yashaswini B. M. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
3 Ms. Vinaka Deepak Halbhavi Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
4 Ms. Sumathi M. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
5 Ms. Shilpa S. G. Registered GSSSIT, Mysuru-VTU
6 Ms. Rohini B. R. Course Work Completed BMSIT, Bengaluru-VTU
7 Ms. Shruthi G. Course Work Completed SIT, Tumakuru-VTU
8 Mr. Ranjeet Kumar Course Work Completed VTURRC, Belagavi-VTU
9 Ms. Kusuma T. Comprehensive Viva Conducted GAT, Bengaluru-VTU
10 Mr. Santhosh Kumar G. Completed Comprehensive Viva AMCEC, Bengaluru-VTU


Research Areas

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is actively involved in both theoretical and applied research in various areas of present and future relevance. They include multifaceted fields such as AI, Theory and Algorithms, Software and Hardware Systems, and interdisciplinary programmes.

Wireless Sensor Networks

Research issues in the Wireless Sensor Network area focus on sensors that can be deployed to monitor physical and environmental conditions like temperature, sound, and passing of data through the network. To research on any application, one must know the challenges that influence the design and protocol to be chosen. WSN is still a new research field as many open research issues are being worked on. Few applications concentrate on societal needs like home automation, habitat monitoring, patient monitoring, fire detection, agriculture, and object tracking many more.

Image Processing

In an image processing operation, the input given is an image and its output is an enriched high-quality image as per the requirement and methods used. Digital Image Processing is potentially an exciting field as it gives improved pictorial information for human clarification and processing of image data for storage, transmission, and representation for machine view. Image Processing is a technique to increase raw images expected from cameras/sensors placed on satellites, space probes, and aircraft or pictures taken in normal life for several applications. This field of Image Processing has been continuously improving in recent times with advancements in science and technology. The image processing deals with image acquisition, image enhancement, image segmentation, feature extraction, and image classification. The importance of image processing and its applications has been enhancing with the computer revolution.

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics is the process of examining data sets to conclude the information they contain, with the aid of specialized techniques and tools. Data Analytics techniques are widely used in various commercial and industrial applications to enable business vendors to make more informed decisions. Scientists and researchers can verify and accept/disapprove hypotheses, theories, and scientific models.

Sl. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. Ashok Kumar P. S. Professor 18 8 7 21
2 Dr. Thippeswamy G. R. Professor 21 3 2 23
3 Dr. Venugeetha Y. Professor 20 6 20
4 Dr. Manjunath Swamy B. E. Associate Professor 13 5 13
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Mr. Amol Subhash Dange Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
2 Mr. Sreedhar Burada Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
3 Mr. B Sangamithra Registered DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
4 Ms. Asha K. H. Course work Completed DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
5 Mr. Manjunath T. K. Comprehensive Viva Conducted DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Mr. Naveen N. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
2 Ms. Yashaswini B. M. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
3 Ms. Vinaka Deepak Halbhavi Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
4 Ms. Sumathi M. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru-VTU
5 Ms. Shilpa S. G. Registered GSSSIT, Mysuru-VTU
6 Ms. Rohini B. R. Course Work Completed BMSIT, Bengaluru-VTU
7 Ms. Shruthi G. Course Work Completed SIT, Tumakuru-VTU
8 Mr. Ranjeet Kumar Course Work Completed VTURRC, Belagavi-VTU
9 Ms. Kusuma T. Comprehensive Viva Conducted GAT, Bengaluru-VTU
10 Mr. Santhosh Kumar G. Completed Comprehensive Viva AMCEC, Bengaluru-VTU


Research Areas

The faculty members of ISE are actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The Department has been at the forefront in areas such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Cloud Security, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Mining, Image Processing, Natural Language Processing and, Grid Computing.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing implementation is being done in our DBIT-Data Centre. The primary benefit of moving to Clouds is application scalability. With the rapid advance of cloud computing, the data centre plays a key role. Cloud Computing Research areas are Green Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Cloud Cryptography, Load Balancing, Cloud Analytics, Cloud Scalability, Mobile Cloud Computing.Several projects which can be deployed on the cloud are being developed by our students, faculty members, and research scholars.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things, popularly recognized as IoT, is an emerging technology. IoT is dominating the Information Technology field because of “Smart Objects” which can freely “talk” to each other and generate an enormous volume of data, spread across different communication networks. Interconnectivity, related to what sensors can now capture, plays a very important role in the IT field. Every field of human requirement including Health care, Retail, Disaster Management, Traffic Management, Secured and Smart Homes, Smart Cities, Smart Agriculture are depending on the Internet of Things. We are developing innovative applications on the IoT domain, which support societal needs.

Cloud Security

With the rapid development of computer technology, cloud-based services have become an emerging topic. Cloud-based services not only provide users with convenience but also bring many security issues. Therefore, the study of access control schemes to protect user privacy in a cloud environment is of great significance. We are exploring the various mechanisms to achieve security measures in cloud computing which provide a major research field.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI&ML)

Machine Learning is a recently developed field belonging to Artificial Intelligence. It tries to mimic the human brain, which is capable of processing complex input data, learning different knowledge intellectually and fast, and solving different kinds of complicated tasks well. Switching these features of the human brain to a learning model, the model can be dealt with the high-dimensional data, support a fast and intellectual learning algorithm and perform well in the complicated AI tasks like computer vision or speech recognition. Deep architecture is believed to be such kind of model, with good learning algorithms for deep learning and excellent performance in solving AI tasks.

Data Mining

Data mining is an extensively used technique for extracting frequent patterns in large databases. By extracting unique patterns, data mining provides information to numerous problems. Mining algorithms are applied in various domains, it is mainly used to predict trends and forecast business activities by extrapolation in business and economics, in the medical field to predict the onset of seasonal diseases, to identify new and antibiotic-resistant diseases, and in almost all fields of science and technology. Though data mining can bring huge benefits, it also raises some privacy concerns, e.g. when a medical database is shared, preserving the privacy of the data is also important to avoid violation of individual patient’s highly personal information.

Image Processing

Image processing is a method to perform some operations on an image, to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It is a type of signal processing in which input is an image and output may be image or characteristics/features associated with that image. Some open research areas in image processing are Automatic Detection, Classification, Identification of Single and Multiple objects, Automatic Image, Enhancement, Image Segmentation, Image Classification, Image Compression Image Inpainting, Image Restoration.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the application of Linguistics, Computer Science, Information Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence in the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages. The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of the human languages in a valuable manner. Computers are programmed to process and analyze large amounts of natural language data. Some of the tasks associated with NLP include Grammar Induction, Lemmatization, Morphological Segmentation, Part-of-Speech Tagging, Treebank Generation, Parsing, Stemming, Automatic Summarization, Co-reference Resolution, Discourse Analysis, Speech Recognition, Speech Segmentation and Text-To-Speech Synthesis (TTS).

Grid Computing

Grid computing is the use of widely distributed computer resources which enables grids composed of many networked loosely coupled computers acting together to perform large tasks. It enables scheduling of jobs, balancing the load, migrating the jobs, partitioning the tasks into manageable units for parallel and distributed processing, and tolerance to the failures and faults. It enables the high-level availability from the pool of resources for the applications throughout the world.

Sl. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. B. K Raghavendra Professor & HOD 26 10 2 26
2 Dr. Rajashekhar M Patil Professor 24 15 1 24
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Mr. Anil Kumar C J Open Seminar-1 Completed DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
2 Mr. Ugranada Channabasava Open Seminar-1 Completed DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
3 Mr. Sandeep H Open Seminar-1 Completed DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
4 Mr. Santhosh Kumar S Comprehensive Viva Conducted DBIT, Bengaluru-VTU
SI. No Name of Faculty Status Research Centre and University
1 Ms. Gowramma G.S. Thesis submitted RVCE, Bengaluru – VTU
2 Mr. Emmanvel Raj M. C Waiting for final Dissertation Ambajogai, JNTUH, Hyderabad
3 Mr. Shankara Gowda S.R. Completed Comprehensive Viva VTU Regional Centre, Bengaluru – VTU
4 Mr. Ugranada Channabasava Completed Comprehensive Viva DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
5 Mrs. Asha K.H. Completed Comprehensive Viva DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU


Research Areas

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Composite Materials, Bio-fuels, Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Biomechanics, Combustion, and Energy Systems, Dynamics and Control, Vibrations, Acoustics and Fluid-Structure Interaction.

Composite Materials

Composite materials play an important role in the development of modern science and technology. The depth and breadth of the advantages of composite materials, the speed and scale of their product development and wide applicability have captured the attention of many industries that seek to exploit composite materials for their intended purposes. A few of the notable applications are light-weight and strong carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy composites for aerospace, automotive, and marine structures, green fibre reinforced plastics for fabricating house-hold products, and construction industry.


Unlike other renewable energy sources, biomass can be converted directly into liquid fuels, called “Biofuels,” to help meet transportation fuel needs. The two most common types of biofuels in use today are ethanol and biodiesel. Biodiesel is made by combining alcohol (usually methanol) with vegetable oil, animal fat, or recycled cooking grease. It can be used as an additive (typically 20%) to reduce vehicle emissions in its pure form as a renewable alternative fuel for diesel engines. Biofuels can contribute to the reuse of solid waste and the reduction of harmful exhaust gases.

Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics

The aerodynamic performance, such as the lift and drag, of a body is governed by the flow of air across its surface. Applied aerodynamics seeks to understand and utilize the fundamental aspects of this fluid flow in the analysis, design, and integration of aerodynamic geometries. The field of applied aerodynamics covers a broad range of applications, involving generally any object that experiences aerodynamic forces in fluid flow, though common applications include fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft, wind turbines and propellers, ground and marine vehicles, internal flows, avian and insect flight, and atmospheric flows.


Vibrations in machines and structures are typically undesirable as they produce stresses, energy losses, and increased service loads. They contribute to structural wear and can lead to passenger discomfort in vehicles. This research area pertains to the vibrations of discrete systems and continuous structures and introduces the computational dynamics of linear engineering systems.

SI. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. Shivanna HOD 31 31
2 Dr. Arun Magadum Assistant Professor 8 2 10


Research Areas

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Power Systems, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy Sources, Electric Vehicles

Power Systems

Power System deals with the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity. Also, it is concerned with the study, analysis, design, and application of equipment/devices connected to its network. At present, India is the world’s third-largest producer and consumer of electricity with a total installed capacity of 368.69 GW as of Jan 2020. With the growing need for electricity in almost all fields such as residential, commercial, agriculture, industrial, transportation, medical, etc., these domains provide a wide scope for research and innovation.

Power Electronics

Recent advances in power electronics have enabled the rapid development of applications in power systems, including renewable energy generation, high-voltage DC (HVDC) transmission, flexible AC transmission systems, energy storage, electric vehicles, and microgrids. Power electronics are also the foundation of new mobile power systems technologies, such as variable-frequency AC distribution for electric aircraft and medium-voltage DC grids for electric ships.

Electric Vehicles

As the world is shifting from fossil fuels to sustainable energy sources, it attracts a growing research interest in the development of energy storage systems, e.g., batteries and fuel cells. Among them, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, with the advantage of high-power density, have been widely used in many applications, such as consumer electronics and electric vehicles (EVs). Electrical Vehicle is based on an electric propulsion system. No internal combustion engine is used. All the power is based on electric power as the energy source. The main advantage is the high efficiency in power conversion through its proposition system of electric motor.

Sl. No Name of Candidate Status Research Center
1 Mr. K.C.Ananthapadmanabham Thesis Submission VTURRC, Bengaluru
2 Mr. Dharshan B. G. Registered RVCE, Bengaluru – VTU
3 Mr. Somashekar Registered ACS, Bengaluru – VTU
4 Mr. S. M. Mahesh Comprehensive Viva-Voce Conducted RVCE, Bengaluru – VTU
5 Mr. K. M. Kiran Kumar Course Work Completed DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
6 Mr. Raghu T. Course Work Completed UBDT, Davanagere – VTU
7 Mr. Amith A. Course Work Completed SIT, Tumakuru – VTU
8 Mr. B. S.KanthRaju Comprehensive Viva-Voce Conducted The NIE, Mysuru – VTU
9 Mr. N. Kishore Comprehensive Viva-Voce Conducted BU, Bengaluru
10 Mr. Suresha K. V. Comprehensive Viva-Voce Conducted VTURRC, Bengaluru
11 Mr. BhaskarRaju S. A. Comprehensive Viva-Voce Conducted AIT, Bengaluru
12 Mr. Ranganath S. R. Thesis Submission BU, Bengaluru
13 Mr. Vishwanath B. R. Course Work Completed BMSCE, Bengaluru – VTU
15 Mr. Sriranga B. K. Course Work Completed RVCE, Bengaluru – VTU
16 Mr. Manjunath M. V. Course Work Completed VVIET, Mysuru – VTU
17 Mr. Kiran R. Course Work Completed VTURRC, Bengaluru
18 Mr. Rajeeva H. S. Registered BIT, Bengaluru – VTU
19 Mr. Venkatesh B. N. Waiting for Viva-voce DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
20 Mr. Udayashankar S. Waiting for Viva-voce DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
21 Mr. Vidyadhar Pujar Comprehensive Viva-Voce Conducted DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
22 Mr. SiddeshNaik V. Waiting for Viva-voce DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
23 Mr. Govindappa Soragavi Course Work Completed (M.Sc. Engg.) DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
24 Mr. Mahadeva Prasad H. S. Course Work Completed DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
25 Mr. Sunil Kumar S. Course Work Completed DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
Sl. No Research Scholar Name Status Research Centre and University
1 Ms. Sulochana I. Akkalkot Open seminar 1 Completed RVCE, Bengaluru – VTU
2 Ms. Padmashree V. Kulkarni Open seminar 1 Completed Dr. AIT, Bengaluru – VTU
3 Mr. R. Santhosh Kumar Course Work Completed SIT, Tumkur – VTU
4 Ms. Ramyashree H P Course Work Completed BNMIT, Bengaluru – VTU


Research Areas

The faculty is actively involved in several multi-faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry and society. The department has been at the forefront in areas such as Concrete Technology, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing & GIS.

Concrete Technology

Concrete technology focuses on the study of concrete, its properties, composition and applications. Concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials globally, valued for its versatility, durability, and cost-effectiveness. Concrete technology involves understanding the science and engineering behind the material to optimize its performance and develop innovative applications. Key aspects and research areas in concrete technology include mix design, special concretes, admixtures, NDT, rehabilitation of concrete structures and sustainable construction practices.

Structural Engineering

Research in structural engineering plays a vital role in advancing the field, making structures safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly. As new challenges and technologies arise, structural engineers continue to explore innovative solutions and interdisciplinary collaborations to shape the future of infrastructure design and construction. Research involves studying new materials, innovative structural analysis systems, seismic and wind-resistant designs.

Transportation Engineering

Transportation research deals with the planning, design and operation of transportation systems, including roads, railways, airports and seaports. Areas of focus include pavement design and materials, traffic engineering and management, sustainable transportation, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and urban transportation planning.

Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineers work on projects that address environmental protection, sustainability, and pollution prevention. Research in this field could explore wastewater treatment technologies, air quality improvement, waste management and sustainable water resources.

Water Resources Engineering

This area is concerned with the management and distribution of water resources, including river and coastal engineering, hydrology, flood management and water supply systems. Research involves water conservation, watershed modelling using GIS & Remote sensing and sustainable water resource planning.

Geotechnical Engineering

It is a branch of civil engineering that deals with the behaviour of soils and rocks and their interaction with structures and infrastructures. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe and stable design of foundations, slopes, excavations, and other geotechnical structures. Geotechnical engineers use principles of soil mechanics, rock mechanics, and engineering geology to analyse and design engineering projects.

Remote Sensing & GIS

Remote sensing provides information in space and time and GIS techniques helps to store, interpret and retrieve spatial data. It is very essential for an inaccessible area. GIS is utilized to process spatial data to study the risk of Groundwater pollution. There are powerful spatial analysis software’s such as ArcGIS to process spatial data of water quality monitoring and maps using AI.

SI. No. Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. Ramesh R L Professor and Head 27 06 05 32
Sl. No Research Scholar Name USN Guide Name Registration Year Year of Joining DBIT Progress
1 Mr. Kiran Kuldeep 1DB20PCV01 Dr. R L RAMESH 2020 2020 Course Work Completed
2 Mrs. Pavithra 1DB20PCV02 Dr. R L RAMESH 2020 2020 Course Work Completed
SI. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Mrs. Savitha A L Viva voce completed MIT, Mysore
2 Mr. Raghavendra D Pre PhD comprehensive completed EWIT, Bangalore
3 Mrs. Sandhya Rani G M Comprehensive Viva Completed PES, Bangalore
4 Mrs. Manjularani P Course work in progress RNSIT, Bangalore
5 Mrs. Gobinath S Colloquium completed SDIT, Mangalore


Research Areas

Physics is the search for and applications of Physical Laws that can help us understand and predict the changes in the World around us. Central to physics are ideas such as energy, mass, particles, and waves. Physics attempts to answer philosophical questions about the nature of the universe and provide solutions to technological problems. The Department of Physics is recognized as a Research Centre by VTU in the year 2019. The department promotes the active involvement of faculty and students in the field of research and innovation. The faculty members of the department have published 20 Research Papers in International and National journals of repute and are actively involved in the research activities with special focus on frontier fields of Materials Science And Nanotechnology.

Nanomaterials and Nano Science

Nano particles have attracted a great deal of attention in the past few years for their unique characteristics that cannot be obtained from conventional macroscopic particles. Owing to the quantum size and surface effects, nanoparticles can exhibit novel optical, electronic, magnetic, and structural properties that might find many important technological applications.

Nanoscience is the study of physical, chemical, and biological phenomena at the nano level and innovating ways to increase product performance in a wide range of industries. One such application is Semiconductor-Based Photocatalysis – ‘‘A Green Technology”, that is being widely used.

Particle Physics

Particle Physics deals with the study of particles at a level smaller than nano. Elementary-Particle Physics deals with the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the Theory of Strong Interactions. The Elememtory concepts of interest are Mesons, Gluons, Quark-Antiquark Spectrum, Hadrons Physics, Meson Spectroscopy. It is believed that research in this field may lead to discoveries that would be highly beneficial to society.

Nano Manganites

Since the early nineties, there has been a huge interest in doped manganites due to their interesting properties having scientific and technological relevance. Doped Manganites exhibiting Colossal Magnetoresistance (CMR) are found to have potential applications in Computer Memory Systems, Magnetic Sensors, Storing Devices, etc.

Fabrication of polymer nanocomposite thin films

The synthesis of polymeric matrixes embedded with nanoparticles takes advantage of the basic properties of the host material (polymer) and intriguing properties of the nanoscale fillers (activators). The advantages are lightweight , highest purity, strength, and resistance to solvents, acids, heat, etc. The applications are in the design of Sensors, Solar cells, Robotics, Energy harvesting devices etc., tailored for a particular performance.

Sl. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. Bhavyashri Shetty Professor 10 5 15
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Center
1 Ms. Ashwini Chavan V. M. Course Work Completed RVCE, Bengaluru – VTU
2 Ms. Yashodha S. R. Thesis Submitted BMSIT & M, Bengaluru – VTU
3 Mr. Vinay Prasad V Course Work Completed Jain School of Sciences-Jain University
4 Mrs. Nagarathna Registered AIT, Chikkamangaluru-VTU


Research Areas

The Department of Chemistry is actively engaged in multi – faceted research and consulting activities with high relevance to industry andsociety. The research activities at the Department are supported by sponsored research projects and state-of-the-art research facilities that exist at the Department and Institute levels. The department is visited by experts, scientists, and industrialists. The faculty members of the department have published more than 50 Research Papers in International and National journals of repute and are actively involved in the research activities. The department has established a Biodiesel Production Unit in 2018. Also we have initiated the development of a Simarouba Park for the utilization of oil yielding trees.


Transition metal ions as catalysts, in many synthetic and redox reactions, have become imperative in the last few decades. Research into catalysis is a major field in applied chemistry, environmental, and medicinal sciences. Homogeneous catalysis is one of the most interesting fields of chemistry, especially for its mechanisms and kinetics. It provides an admirable opportunity for the study of molecular causes of reactivity, and the causes of reactions. The process is of immense practical importance as it leads to a better understanding of reactions involving metal ions with prospective Industrial Applications.

Nano Metal Oxides for Photocatalysis

Synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles is a remarkable significant field of material science due to its unique magnetic, electronic, bio-sensing, catalytic and biological applications. To tackle issues like Atmospheric Contamination, Water Pollution and Power Crisis, photocatalysis has gained an ever-increasing attention and progressively become an area of significant research . Heterogeneous Photocatalysis Development has been a successful approach to enhance the absorption of light through range of wavelengths and to discourage the recombination of charge-carriers.

Reaction Kinetics

Chemical kinetics is a branch of chemistry that deals with the study of the rate of chemical reactions and the mechanism by which they occur. The rate laws are of practical importance since they provide concise expressions for the course of the reaction and can be applied in calculating reaction times, yields, and optimum conditions. The application of reaction kinetics in organic chemistry is the most important step in the investigation of reaction mechanisms and the most prospective field of application is Pharmaceuticals .

Corrosion Characterization of MMC

Metal Matrix Composites are an important class of materials, which contain metal or alloy as matrix and a ceramic particulate or fibre or whiskers as reinforcements. Aluminium based Metal Matrix Composites exhibit enhanced corrosion resistance, reduced wear and advantageous mechanical properties.They are used for applications in Aerospace, Power Utility, Automotive, and the Armed Forces.

Sl. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. J. P. Shubha Professor 12 16 16
2 Dr. Manjunatha A. S. Associate Professor & HOD 6.5 9 9
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Centre and University
1 Ms. N. V. Sushma Thesis Writing in Progress DBIT, Bengaluru – Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
2 Mr. J. Jessurajan Course Work Completed DBIT, Bengaluru – VTU
3 Ms. K. Krishnaveni Comprehensive Viva Voce Conducted T. John Institute of Technology, Bengaluru – VTU


Research Areas

The Faculty is actively involved in research and consultancy services. The Department faculties carry out their research in diversified fields like Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics, Ferro- Fluids, Riemannian Manifolds, Data Analysis.

Graph Theory

Graph Theory is the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model relationship between objects and has been well established in vatious applications pertaining to Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology. Its relevance has increased over the past few decades with the advancements that have taken place in many fields such as Information Technology, Medical Sciences, Space Application etc.

Fluid Dynamics

Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics concerned with the mechanics of fluids and the forces acting on them and the objects which are surrounded by fluids. It has applications in a wide range of disciplines, including mechanical, civil, chemical and biomedical engineering, geophysics, oceanography, meteorology, astrophysics, and biology. Many problems are partly or wholly unsolved and are best addressed by numerical methods, typically using computers. A modern discipline, called computational fluid dynamics, is devoted to this approach. Particle image velocimetry, an experimental method for visualizing and analyzing fluid flow, also takes advantage of the highly visual nature of the fluid flow.

Statistical Consultancy and Data Analysis

A communication network is a set of individuals (or nodes) connected by communicative interaction. For example, an organizational communication network could consist of those seeking advice from others within the organization, and those giving advice. The abundant scope is available for improvements in Communication Networks for analysis using the theories, techniques, procedures, and applications, especially in Social Networking.

Sl. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. Ranjini P. S. Professor 20 13 20
Sl. No. Name of the Research Scholar Year of Registration Status Research Center
1 Ms. Deepasree S. Kumar 2019 Comprehensive Viva Completed DBIT, Bengaluru.
2 Ms. Harini M. R. 2016 Comprehensive Viva Completed DBIT, Bengaluru.
3 Mr. Ananda N. 2015 Comprehensive Viva Completed DBIT, Bengaluru.
4 Mr. Harisha 2014 Awarded in the Year 2022 DBIT, Bengaluru.
5 Ms. Shwetha Shetty 2013 Awarded in the Year 2019 DBIT, Bengaluru.
6 Ms. Usha A. 2012 Awarded in the Year 2017 DBIT, Bengaluru.
Sl. No. Name of the Research Scholar Year of Registration Status Research Center
1 Mr. Arun Kumar K. H. 2016 Thesis Submitted for Dissertation ACSCE, Bengaluru, VTU
2 Mrs. Umavathi A. 2017 Comprehensive and Open Seminar completed GAT, Bengaluru, VTU
3 Mr. Suresha K. R. 2017 Comprehensive Viva completed Dr. AIT, Bengaluru, VTU
4 Mr. Vijay Kumar B. 2021 Registered MSRIT, Bengaluru, VTU


Research Areas

The Department of Management Studies and Research promotes the active involvement of faculty and students in Managerial Collaborative Programmes at national and international levels in various Forums, Conferences, and Summits. These Programmes aim at the exchange of knowledge among students and faculty in terms of research or project works. The department also offers short/ long term training to students on the latest Management Policies and Practices and encourages publication of research articles and provides teaching materials for E-Learning. The centre works to provide solutions for various problems in the field of Entrepreneurship, Marketing Strategies, HR Practices, and Financial Management, etc. The department is actively engaged in research in the following areas.


Marketing research is required continuously for any business. Market research plays a vital role in securing the information about the latest trend and gain a competitive advantage, to reach the target audience and achieve the sales goals. Market research can provide prospective solutions to many challenges that arise in a Business organization. Market research has huge potential to understand the present market share, needs of existing customers and, identify new areas for expansion/potential customers.


Financial research is necessary for any business organization to be aware of its financial worth by investigating its financial statement and other public documents. It enables the Organisation to manage portfolios and funds and estimate the risk of investment. All companies need to be financially stable and have financial resources to expand the business. Research in this area is of prime importance.

Human Resource

The employees are the most important asset of any organization. Suitable measures should be taken to reduce attrition and increase retention. HR research is, “the task of searching for, and analyzing of facts to the end that personnel resentment can be resolved or principles and laws governing their solutions derived.” The research in HR provides an understanding of what does work, what does not work, what needs change, nature, and extent of changes.


The economy of a country is dependent on various unpredictable factors that were predominantly restricted to its populations, climate, demography, education, infrastructure, policies, and many other factors. However, in the present context, it is very extremely vulnerable to global events. Economics deals with the optimal distribution of resources in a society or an organization. Due to the numerous areas that affect the economy, and research in this field would be the most challenging. It can provide probable answers to address many issues such as market fluctuations, macro-economy, risk of recession, etc.

Sl. No Name of Faculty Designation Teaching Experience Research Experience Industrial Experience Total Experience
1 Dr. Buvaneswari P Professor 15 07 15
Sl. No Name of Faculty Status Research Centre and University
1 Mr. Shyam Sundar S. A. Course Work Completed NMIT, Bengaluru – VTU
2 Mrs. Usha G Pursuing Course Work BIMS, Mysore – UoM


DBIT IPR Cell was established on November 16, 2018, in association with KSCST GoK and CIPAM GoI, to create awareness and offer assistance to academicians, researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators to identify, protect and manage IPR.IPR Cell involves in educating importance of IPR for the research scholars and faculty members. IPR Cell is functioning as the nodal centre for Industries, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, Educational and Research Institutions for IPR related activities.Ṁ

Report on Intellectual Property Rights Cell Inaugural Function

DBIT IPR Cell was inaugurated on November 16, 2018, to create awareness and offer assistance to academicians, researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators to identify, protect and manage IPR. Intellectual Property Rights Cell involves in educating importance of IPR for the research scholars and faculty members. IPR Cell is functioning as the nodal centre for Industries, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, Educational and Research Institutions for IPR related activities.

The Don Bosco Institute Of Technology, has inaugurated – “Intellectual Property Rights Cell” on Friday, November 16, 2018. At 11.30 am.

The inaugural function started with invocation song by Prof.Chandrashekar N S, followed by lightening of lamp by the dignitaries. Prof. Santosh M. Nejakar , Chief Coordinator IPR Cell,

Asst. Prof, Dept of ECE has welcomed and introduced importance of IPR Cell in academic colleges.

The Chief Guest of the function, Dr. M S Annapurna Kishore Kumar, Asst. Prof, Dr NSAM First Grade College, Bengaluru, and Prof. Dhanukumar Pattanashetti, IEEE, Client Service Manager, Bengaluru addressed all the Faculty members, research scholars, students and motivated them to carry out the research work in various fields and also gave inputs on real time projects in various industries and how they are getting royalty from their Intellectual Property by getting Patents.

Dr. R Krishna, Group Director, DBGI, motivated all the Faculty members, research scholars and students to imbibe research culture and be well aware of the society needs.

Dr. M. Muralidhara Rao Principal, DBIT, Bengaluru, gave the presidential remarks. He enlightens the research scholars to carry out their research work enthusiastically by making use of the good guidance and infrastructure.

The function was concluded by Vote of Thanks by Prof, Shereyas Assistant Prof Dept of Civil DBIT.

Report on Two-day National Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights

The Two days National Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” was organized by DON BOSCO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BENGALURU, during JAN 30th and 31st 2019. The workshop was sponsored by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST), Indian Insitute of Science, Bangalore .

The Workshop started with invocation song by Prof. Suresh H S, followed by lightening of lamp by the dignitaries. Prof. Santosh M. Nejakar , Chief Coordinator IPR Cell, Asst. Prof, Dept of ECE has welcomed and introduced importance of workshop to all the participants.

The Workshop was addressed by Dr. M. Muralidhara Rao Principal, and Chairmen of the workshop DBIT, Bengaluru, Further Remarks were given by Shri. Vivek Anand Sagar, Consultant and IP Attorney, PIC, KSCST, IISc. Bengaluru. It was inaugurated by Dr. Venugopal K R. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, BU,Bengaluru. The invited speakers were Dr.Farah Deeba, Senior IP Specialist and Former Principal Scientist, Monsanto. Mr. Lokesh, Managing Director, Innomantra, Bangalore Ms. Brinda Verma IPR Attorney and Patent Agent Akens Legal, Bangalore. Mr. Prasad Rao O, Deputy Controller of Patents and Designs at Patent Office, Chennai, Govt. of India . Dr. Law Well Man, Associate Professor of Law, Government Law College, Kozikode, Kerala.

Dr. Venugopal K R. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, BU,Bengaluru enlightened the audience on the history of Intellectual Property Rights & said that protection of IPR (intangible property) has definite benefits, such as to propagate innovative culture, profitability, market leadership and helps creation of wealth for the individual and Nation. He explained IPR as creation of mind, inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images and designs used in commerce. He stressed on the importance of IPR and need for its protection. He voiced that India has miles to go, as we have a valuable collection of traditional knowledge

Dr.Farah Deeba, Senior IP Specialist and Former Principal Scientist, Monsanto spoke on Understanding Copyrights: A powerful IP tool. It’s implications in Research. (Concepts of Plagiarism, Citations, Research Ethics, Exceptions, Fair Use, Copy left, Computer Software related inventions and the law pertaining to the same, etc.),- Trademark Registration and Case Study.

Mr. Lokesh, Managing Director, Innomantra, Bangalore explained about Scope for patenting Engineering Innovations- Innovation interface-Technology Innovation referring to Engineering creations- Design Thinking.

Ms. Brinda Verma IPR Attorney and Patent Agent Akens Legal, Bangalore gives hands on session All that one should know about Prior Art/Patent Search (Hands on live Computer lab session).

Mr. Prasad Rao O, Deputy Controller of Patents and Designs at Patent Office, Chennai, Govt. of India spoke on Procedure of Filing Patent – National Phase – International Phase -Opposition and First Examination Report.

Dr. Law Well Man, Associate Professor of Law, Government Law College, Kozikode, Kerala. Explained about Understanding Patentability Criteria in India Special reference to: Non Patentable subject matter, Patenting instruments and Patent filing National Phase and International phase through Patent Cooperation Treaty.

Technical Session was followed by an Interactive Session / Q&A Session, where the invited Guests addressed questions from the audience. This Workshop was concluded by valedictory function and Certificate distribution to the participants.

Intellectual Property Rights Cell Signing Ceremony & one day workshop

On February 10, Bangalore: Don Bosco Institute of Technology organized “Role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Organizational Development” & Signing Ceremony of MoU between DBIT and KSCST. The inaugural Session started with lighting of lamp by Mr. H. Hemanth Kumar, Executive secretary KSCST, Prof. Harish Bendigeri, Special Officer VTU belagavi, Mr. Vivek anand sagar, IP attorney , KSCST, Dr. Nataraj K R, Dean & Director, DBIT, Dr. Hemadri Naidu T, Principal DBIT, Prof Santosh M Nejakar IP Cell coordinator DBIT, Dr. Somaraya Tallolli Chief Librarian at Abdul Kalam Seminar hall, DBIT, Bangalore.

Wynamac Education Trust Chairman, Shri Bylappa B., Vice President Shri P. B. Manjunath, Secretary, Shri Raghav B. conveyed best wishes for the program.

Dr.Nataraj welcomed the gathering and introduced the guest of honor and the chief guest. He highlighted the importance of IPR with respect to research and development.

The event was attended by faculty members, IP Coordinators ,Research Scholars & industry professionals.

Mr. H. Hemanth Kumar, Chief guest deliver speech on awareness about how the develop technologies in rural areas as well as urban area can take place and how KSCST has played role in supporting the technologies, He also spoke about KSCST activities such as rain water harvesting, solar power, protection of traditional water harvesting, building energy efficient material and construction among others. He also explain present. He explained about how china becomes publishing papers and filing patents.

Dr. Hemadri Naidu T Principal DBIT delivered presidential address and spoke about intellectual property can result in the country economic growth. He also mentioned that in India is an innovative country and we needed to take steps for the protecting of the same and maintain balance interest between the public rights and private rights. His core focus of discussion was millennium development goals, sustainable development goals, UN development agenda, public, health, food security etc. He encourages researchers and faculty members to publish patents along with good papers in reputed journals.

Prof Santosh M Nejakar, IP Cell chief coordinator delivered vote of thanks.

Prof. Harish Bendigeri, Special Officer VTU belagavi spoke about ‘Intellectual Property- concept, identification and creation’.the session has covered the concept and basic knowledge of intellectual property- patent, trademark, GI& designsincluding general concepts, advantages and importance of IP, IP as a tool to increase business competitiveness, enforcement of IP in India.

Mr. Vivek Anand Sagar spoke about the philosophy of intellectual property where he interpreted IP in three principles as; ‘creation of limited monopoly’, ’strategy to keep the monopoly’, ‘penalty if your rights are infringed’ respectively and he also spoke about the usage of GI product.

  • Intellectual Property Rights Cell at Don Bosco Institute of Technology aims to evolve in to a centre of excellence in IPR education with global suitability.
  • To provide knowledge on IPR terminologies.
  • To inculcate awareness about the intellectual Property Rights among faculty members, Researchers by the conduct of FDP’s workshops on related topics.
  • To guide faculty members, Researchers and students about patent drafting, formulations of claims and filing for commercialisation of their innovative ideas.
  • Executive Director: Patron
  • Principal: Chairman
  • Dean (Research and Development): Adviser
  • Chief-Coordinator: Convener
  • Concerned HOD: Member
  • Accounts Officer: Member

Looking for a quick overview of the activities within IPR Cell? Or is there something you are unsure about? Explore our Frequently Asked Questions and discover the answers you’re searching for.

I want to patent my invention. How do I know that such a patent is not filed by anyone else in the past?

To find out the prior art related to your invention you have to conduct a patent search using various methodologies, for example by creating a key string using Indian patent search, WIPO patent search, US patent search, EPO patent search, Google patents search.

You can find the database links in IP databases

What should I do if I have an idea or invention worth protecting?

Have a look at the Intellectual Property Rights Cell website about where to start and for IP Filing kindly fill the Invention Disclosure Form and send it to for further process.

To know about IPR, Kindly read:

Intellectual Property Rights – An Overview

Who will support financially for the filing process?

Intellectual Property Rights Cell. The financial support for the patent filing is from College in accordance with College IP regulation

What are all the process involved in patenting the invention?

1. Patent Search
2. Patent draft and illustrations
3. Patent filing
4. Request for examination
5. Issue of First Examination Report
6. Reply to Examination report
7. Grant of Patent

How much does it cost to get a patent in India?

The overall cost of obtaining a patent includes the fee that has to be paid to the patent office (statutory fee) and the fee paid to the patent service provider (professional fee). The professional fee varies based on the service provider.

The statutory fee depends the applicants such as Natural person, Startup(s), Small Entity or Large Entity

Note: The Patent office fees might change based on regulations

What are all the job opportunities for me in IP?

For Science stream: (Basic sciences, Pharmacy, Engineering)

• Patent Professional
• Patent Examiner
• Patent Agent
• Patent Attorney

For Humanities stream: (History, Geography, Sociology)

• Traditional Knowledge
• Geographical Indication

For Literature stream: (English, Tamil, Journalism)

• Copyright
• Copyright Consultant

For commerce stream: (Management, Economics, Accountancy)

• IPR Accounting/Auditing
• IPR Valuation
• IPR Strategy
• IPR Management
• IPR Commercialisation


• IPR Service Provider
• IPR Consultant
• IPR Advisor

Is patenting meant for Science graduates only?

No, whoever having the novel invention is eligible for patent filing. Imagination and ideas have no border.

What are the scopes for student of Arts in IP?

The students from Arts background have scope in copyright and Geographical indication

I am a management student. How IP is useful to me?

The management background student can play enormous role in IP such as IP management and commercialisation

Why IP is important to my career?

If you generate IP that you wish to protect, will be an asset to you. Nowadays, IP is driving the biggest new developments in science, business, arts, and the professions.

Is new idea is patentable or is it required a complete implementation?

No. An idea is not patentable by itself. You must cross over that line between an idea and invention. You do not have to actually make or implement the invention before file for patent protection. However, you are allowed to file for a patent application before implementation only if you can describe the invention in sufficient detail that a person having ordinary skill in the technology is able to create the product “without undue experimentation”.

Could I present or publish any of my research findings before patenting?

No. Making your IP public can affect your ability to legally protect it

Could I publish my research findings after filing for patent?

Yes. The filing gives a legal protection for your invention.

What are all the training courses available in IPR?

• World Intellectual Property Organisation Academy eLearning center
• Indira Gandhi National Open University Post-Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR)
• National Law School of Indian University Post-Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Law (PGDIPRL)
• Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)– IPR division Online IPR Courses

Note: Many IP service providers conduct courses on IPR

With great happiness we welcome you to Intellectual Property Cell. It is our privilege to be learning together in becoming noble humans. Higher education is not just for job, it is for robust democracy, civilized society, and dignity. Apart from providing core inputs related to the specific programme, we offers additional training to develop your technical competencies through various academic seminars, workshops, and extension lectures related to Intellectual Property Rights. Experiential learning environment is created for your holistic development in various technical and hobby clubs. The I P Cell has recognized and have MoU between Govt of Karnataka ,KSCST, IISc. We facilitate for young researchers and students to file patent for their innovative projects and supports for all IP related activities.

Technology Business Incubator (TBI) at DBIT

Main Objectives

  • Nurturing start-ups at an early-stage by offer value-added services viz. legal, financial, technical, IPR and mentoring.
  • Establish Fab Lab/ Maker Space for Rapid Prototyping.
  • Facilitating business networking for better and faster enterprise growth.
  • Providing “Go-To-Market” platform for commercialization of technologies

Key Activities

  • Providing Incubation facilities for early stage Start Ups and Industries looking for scale up
  • Promoting entrepreneurship among young minds of DBIT and other associate institutions
  • Training Faculty members of academic institutions as Trainers and Motivators for entrepreneurship development
  • Technology Development Programs for budding entrepreneurs
  • Actively engaged in Research and Development resulting in technology transfer to MSME’s and Start Ups

Current Projects

Company Name Description
Abstream Technologies Developing remote controlled robotic devices for agriculture
Farmbot Autonomous vehicle for logistics movements in medium and large industries
Hachidori Robotics Enterprise data architecture and data mining
V.V Technologies Technology consultancy for IoT and automation for MSMEs
Nixbees Technologies Low-cost 3D printers
Splodeit Efficient digital solutions for administration of educational institutions
ShudhLabh Solutions Affordable solutions for waste management
Veehan Organics Developing profitable distribution channels for organic farmers
Fly@Mach Developing drone technologies for agriculture
Keyskills Hub Providing quality education on the latest cutting-edge technologies
Arcis Business Solutions Offering management consultancy services for startups

Completed Funded Projects


Ongoing Funded Project


KSCST-Sanctioned Projects

VTU-Sanctioned Projects


Highest Package

0 +

Campus Recruiters

0 %

Placement Assistance

Documents Required

  • 10th standard marks card for proof of date of birth - Original + 3 attested photocopies.
  • 12th standard/equivalent marks card - Original + 3 attested photocopies.
  • Transfer certificate from the institution last attended - Original + 3 attested photocopies.
  • Migration Certificate from the University/Board last studied (for students other than Karnataka PU Board, CBSE and ICSE) - Original + 3 photocopies.
  • Conduct Certificate from the institution last attended – Original only.
  • Medical Certificate for ascertaining the blood group.
  • Passport Size Photographs with red background - 10 numbers.
  • Caste cum Income Certificate (for CET and Karnataka Management Students).
  • Seven years study certificate (for CET students only).
  • A copy of the students’ account details (if availing for scholarship offered by various Govt. bodies and private organizations).
  • Photocopy of Aadhar card - 2 numbers.

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