March 11, 2025 2025-03-11 12:29Educational Qualification
2017: Ph.D. Specialization: Experimental Investigation on Strength and Behavior of Fibre
Reinforced PSC Beams with High Reactive Metakolin and Silica
Fume, Bangalore University, U.V.C.E, Bengaluru
2007: M.E., Specialization: Construction Technology, U.V.C.E, Bengaluru 1992: B.E., Specialization: Civil Engineering, Bangalore University [SIT, Tumkur],
29 Years
Area of Research Interests
- Concrete Technology
- Solid Waste Management
- Smart Materials
- National Conferences: 4
- International Conference: 4
- National Journals:-
- International Journals: 5
Memberships of Professional bodies/ Awards / Honours Received
- Life Member of “Indian society for Technical Education” – LM27616 (1999)
- Life Member of “Indian Concrete Institute” – LM9276 (2011) 
- Life Member of “Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India)”- LM 5120(2019)
- CIDC Visvakarma Award for Academician by Construction Industry Development Council on 15/03/2022.
- Hon. Secretary,Indian Concrete Institute From july 2019- July 2022.
- Best Professor for Civil Engineering awarded by Karnataka Excellence Awards, by VCPEM Trust, Bengaluru on 06/11/2021
- Best Professor for Civil Engineering awarded by Karnataka Educational Awards, by YES Trust, Bengaluru on 02/01/2021
- Best paper award for the research article entitled “Experimental investigation on strength and behavior of PSC FRC beams with GGBS
- organised by MIT, Moodabidri on 31/01/2020