Dr. Koushalya P. R
March 12, 2025 2025-03-12 12:25Educational Qualification
2019: Ph. D., Specialization: Physics [Magnetic Properties of Nanomaterials] VTU,
Belagavi, Karnataka.
2008: MSc., Specialization: Physics [Crystal Physics] Christ deemed to be University,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
2006: B.Sc., Specialization: PCM, Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
15 Years
Area of Research Interests
Magnetic and Dielectric Studies of Nano Manganites
National Conferences: 1
International Conferences: 12
International Journals:7
Memberships of Professional bodies/ Awards / Honours Received
• Received Best Paper Presentation Award at ICSNST-2016 held on 18th
-19th February 2016
at NIE, Mysuru, Karnataka.
• Principal investigator of the VGST sponsored project worth 30,00,000/- sanctioned for the
year 2023-2025.