Dr. AJK Prasad
March 7, 2025 2025-03-07 6:26Educational Qualification
B.Sc, M.ScM.Tech (IIT-BHU) M.Sc (Engineering UK), PhD (VTU-Belgaum)
Teaching 18
Research 09
Industry 10
Area of Research Interests
Ant colony Intelligence, Swarm Intelligence, Machine learning, Deep Learning
NationalConferences: 05
InternationalConferences: 06
NationalJournals: 06
Memberships of Professional bodies/ Awards / Honours Received
Life member Institute of Smart Materials, Structures and Systems
2002 Henry Marion Howe Medal From ASM International-USA
Project of the Year Award- Student Project Programme (2014-15) 38th
SeriesAwardedByKSCST Karnataka.
One granted Indian Patent and One design registration (Indian Patents Office)
Intellectual Property India (ipindia.gov.in)